Far East Cynic

Olympic diversions

The S.O. was watching the Ski aerials tonight. And bitching about how many Chinese competitors there were were. I have to admit I was more than a little annoyed when the Chinese women won the short track-on a technicality and the Americans were forced to finish third.

Of course the S.O. can’t stop talking about Mao-chan. I have to admit she did really well-but I still think the Korean girl is probably going to clean her clock tomorrow night. ( The video of her performance was the top ranked You Tube video in Japan).

Speaking of diversions, I finally got a look at Kirsten Dunst video shot in Akihabara last year. I’ve been to that very street and am dying to go back again. (Warning-NFSW anime!):

On days like today-I wish I was (re) turning Japanese!

UPDATE! The cocksuckers people at You Tube have taken down two different versions of this video. Bastards!

  1. Kim Yuna is quite the young lady. She can also sing reasonably well and does contribute a lot of money to charity.
    Of course the Koreans adore her.
    I thought the two young American girls did quite well also, bloody nose and all.