Not quite as patriotic as you think…..

When Lex writes about aviation-the words that trip off the page or the screen are a thing of beauty and convey the real joy that came from a career in Naval Aviation.

When he writes about politics-er, not so much.

In writing the following, he has badly misjudged the Republican party: “Republicans would rather see the country win its wars than damage the Commander in Chief for political gain.”


The statement is absurd for two reasons: first, the Republican administration of George W Bush-obsessed with starting a war on a nation that did not attack us- muffed the opportunity to “win” in Afghanistan ( whatever that word really means-neither administration really seems to be able to define it), and second-because their actions of late belie the above listed statement. Witness their pre and post speech statements, which are carefully crafted to ensure the President gets the blame if things go badly ( which they probably will) and only the military leadership will get the credit if things turn around. Or the rising noise coming from the back benchers.

Furthermore-with regard to both Afghanistan and Iraq, the surgeaholics on both sides have missed the point- Its not making us any safer or supporting our long term interests. Which are, to me, a lot more important than the welfare of ungrateful Muslims.

I’ll let someone a lot smarter than me explain for the fiftieth time. ( Not that any of the “true believers” will listen).

Bacevich’s point about Africa is well taken. The seeds of bad things for the west are being sown there-our effort in contrast to that of Iraq and Afghanistan is minimal.

But it makes such a better feel good narrative to portray only one party as politically opportunist-when in fact they both are. And the surge they backed a couple of years ago, still has not succeeded in its primary aim.

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