Far East Cynic

The search is on…

For a good copy of this video:

According to TMZ, Carrie Prejean demanded more than a million dollars during her settlement negotiations with Miss California USA Pageant until the Pageant lawyer presented her with a XXX sex tape of which she is the star..

The video has never been released and is apparently so graphic, not even TMZ would play it.

Apparently it took her about 15 seconds to withdraw her demands and accept a $100,000 payout, all of which covers the cost of her lawyers, leaving her with nothing

You can’t make this stuff up.

My Canadian counterpart may be right-“The GOP can learn a lot from her, particularly that Sarah Palin.”

  1. HOLY SHIT!!!!!
    You have Sarah, naked?!!!!!!!! on tape?!!!! doing sex?!!!!! Share dude!!!!!

    It’d be a lot better than video of Bill with his dick in Monica’s mouth now wouldn’t it? So you got video of that too?

    Do you never ever feel like a shameless hypocrite? No no of course you don’t. You’re progressive.

    Just how in the fuck did you drag Sarah into this brew? You’re like a serial dragger dude. Just cause Carrie is a beauty queen and Sarah is a beauty queen. Get real. Really cute gurls are republican. Hideous ones want to wear pink and breed with arsonists. By the way, they’re democats.

    Your canadian buttpart speaks french and is otherwise a lameass savage. Carrie on the other hand is cute. She always will be.

  2. Skippy, stock up on your meds now! Sarah will be all over the talk show circuit starting Monday.

  3. I’ve already ordered my copy of “Going Rouge-Sarah Palin – An American Nightmare”. Its a sure fire best seller I’m sure.

    “A superb collection . . . an engaging read from start to finish. . . . You will read far more about the real Sarah Palin in Going Rouge than you ever will in her own memoirs.”