Far East Cynic

It is that weekend.

People looked at me like I was a space alien when I said, " I hope Tennessee upsets Alabama!".

I might as well have said, " I'd like to have sex with your mother." It got about the same reaction.

"You live in Alabama-why don't you root for Alabama? "

"Well first of all, it's purely accidental I live here-and I'm trying to work on living someplace else. I'm really not keen on living anywhere in the continental US.  Second, I just don't follow college football that much-but you can be damn sure I'm not rooting for the University of Alabama. Or Auburn either."

"Auburn doesn't count."

At which point an Auburn fan overheard, and soon the battle was joined.

Such is the third week of October in Hicksville.

  1. Of course my brother was in Starksville, MS, watching his alma mater play (Florida). He, too, lives in Huntsville and is an outcast when it comes to football…