Far East Cynic

What about the other stuff?

Or why I write about the things I do.

As I was working out this afternoon, rocking out on the I-pod and trying to figure out some way to get Glenn Beck off of the TV in front of the treadmill I was on ( Thank God for the mirrors-so you can see the spandex clad lovelies behind you).-I was thinking to myself, "Why do I put myself through this? Surely there is some niche, military things that you can write about-or for that matter just re-tell some old sea stories. Anything but writing about the current political situation-and eliciting the words" NAZI " and SOCIALIST" over and over again.

I supposed I could. However, truth be told-while I can tell a sea story with the best of them-reliving my past military days is not one of my primary interests anymore. I’m very proud of my service and grateful that I got to have the career I did for as long as I did. However truth be told, that’s a part of my life that is in the past. I just can’t get too excited about it anymore.

Very well, what about the current state of the military?

I could do that I suppose, but its being done better over at other blogs. By people who have more of a passion for it than I. Does not mean I don’t have an opinion on lots of issues-and I am distressed by some of the current developments in my beloved Navy. But they just don’t blow my skirt up like they once did. I want to do some different things with the years left in front of me. I’ll still be interested-but there are other things I want to explore too.

Primarily, I write about politics because I still feel passionate about the subject. And I am immensely troubled by what has transpired over the years since the United States had its last really good President, George H.W. Bush. Particularly troubling to me is the demonization of opposite viewpoints. Its no longer that one can simply agree to disagree and then have a beer together,  a whole industry is being built up on both sides in fostering loathing to go with that disagreement. Anyone with half a brain should be troubled by that development. Barak Obama and George W. Bush did not start that-the roots are much, much deeper and go back to the late 1970’s if not earlier.

Regardless of where it came from-politics continues to fascinate me. So I write about it.

Sex still fascinates me. I like to both do it and write about it.

Beautiful women are pretty cool. I never tire of looking at them. Front, back, top, bottom, legs, breasts and everything in between. So I like to write about that.

I love travel. I need to travel-the way other people need a fix of their favorite drink. So I write about that.

Exploitation of overseas workers is of interest to me. If I were a man of causes, mine would be the exploitation of Filipinas, Indonesians, Bangladeshis, etc-to make the rich richer. Without being paid a decent wage themselves. I find it more than a little appalling. And interesting that the sex industry revolves around it. So from time to time I write about that.

My readership would probably be a lot higher if I dropped the politics entirely. The true believers think I am a liberal snake in the grass, the left turns its back on me because I despise feminism and think women belong out side the gate, not inside the wire.

However these are the subjects that hold my interest. So I’ll keep on chugging away at the keyboard.


  1. You should never drop politics, if only because you’re the only person on the entire Internet who agrees with me almost all of the time.

    Sir, you have no idea how lonely it was out there before you came along.

  2. Keep writing the stuff you do. I read every post. More importantly, I appreciate the ones I don’t agree with just as much as the ones I do. Kudos.