Far East Cynic

Another inconvenient truth


That’s an idea I have always agreed with. Hell, if I had my way, most of Africa would still be colonies. And we would be discussing outsourcing of jobs to India with the Viceroy. Since that’s not happening anytime soon, check out what we could do.

  1. Have you checked out Ali A. Mazrui’s 1986 series on Africa? He rather succinctly made the point that in one way or another Europeans have been trying to bring western civilization to Africa from North Africa to South Africa and after 400 years a grand total of nothing of value had been imparted to those who rule Africa today.
    With that kind of heritage and legacy we should immediately start building free clinics all over Africa in order to pay for their HUMAN right to health care. History can be fun!

  2. Speaking of sex and the Phillipines. The LA Times has an article about Angeles City and the old coots who visit.
    My favorite line: “The sex is disgusting but at least its over quick”.