Far East Cynic

Beethoven and Japan.


Fucked Gaijin points out:

Every national culture has its weird obsessions, and it seems as if Japan’s oddball closet is more crowded than most ? Pokémon, Elvis Presley and Hello Kitty are just a few of the country’s most famous fixations. But perhaps most peculiar of all is the Japanese passion for Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, especially the “Ode to Joy” passage of the fourth and final movement. An amateur pastime in Japan for more than 50 years,

Which then led me to this cute little video about the stations on the Yamanote Line. Its been a year since I rode it-and I sometimes, in my somber moods-despair of getting back. Till then-sing along!


  1. That word, “bass” … I don’t think it means what they think it means.

  2. He is selected but we are waiting for the “hard copy” orders. Looks like we will be moving November due to arrive December. He may be deployed during the upcoming months so, I will be planning/organizing an entire overseas move! (this should be interesting) I’m sure you know the saying, “Hurry up & wait!” So true! We are practicing Japanese small talk in our home! (Please, thank you, hello, goodbye etc…) I am getting anxious. Our children are younger (5 & 6) so, we are highly considering some Japanese education. I really like the use of the Soroban for mathematics. Now is a very good developmental age to really teach them another language! At this age their minds are like sponges! I have been in touch with a Japanese tea farming family by email so, it is nice to know we have already made some very nice friends overseas!! My impression of the Japanese so far…very kind, thoughtful, sweet, beautiful people!!