Far East Cynic

Why I feel strongly…..

About what a huge mistake it was to invade Iraq.

Because this is the future-and its not worth the price we paid, and are continuing to pay:

I don’t think Americans yet recognize that we’re not going to like the long-term result in Iraq. The best-case scenario is probably the emergence of another strong man, like Saddam, but younger, tougher, smarter.

The future government of Iraq is probably not going to be a democracy, is not going to be stable, is going to have violence, and is almost certainly going to be a closer ally of Iran than it is to Washington. The Americans haven’t taken that on board yet.

Especially all those guys who think its time to use the “V” word.

  1. Skippy/

    This is an argument I have made everywhere and everytime I can. Our Wilsonian “Dudley-Do-Rite” interventionist do-gooder tradition is killing us. But unfortunately the body politic of American society simply no longer permits the sort of cold-blooded gimlet-eyed take on affairs that would allow us to successfully play the role of “Perfidious Albion” and manipulate true puppets/client states. Not even modern-day Britain can pull that off any longer, so changed have the sentiments of modern society become.

    Had I been elected Fearless Leader/El Cid I would have been content to let Sadaam play around in his own nationalist sandbox as long as he wanted–maybe even encouraged him to invade the Saudis–he would have been only too grateful to sell us all the oil we wanted and buy our weapons while ruthlessly suppressing militant Islam in his own extended realm and hold off the Iranians as well. But changed public attitudes and 24/7/365 news fed by cell-phone pics of the latest outrages make this approach anywhere on the globe no longer a viable option no matter how logical. Bleeding hearts will simply not allow “the better angels of our nature” to so soil their wings….