Far East Cynic

This ought to be fun to watch….

You are popular with most of the country, but 30% thinks you are the spawn of Satan himself.

You are trying to drag an economy out of recession-but the economy and Wall Street in particular just don’t want to cooperate.

You’ve got two wars underway-and some very noisy people among that 30% who think are from Satan, also think you are a wimp.

And the clock is ticking away till the mid-term elections. What is the one thing you really don’t need or want to take on right now?

A trip to Disneyland!

Funny- just the other day I was thinking to myself, what President Obama could probably use now is a really bitter Supreme Court confirmation fight.

You can’t buy entertainment like this………..

“Its a small world after all…….”

  1. Did you catch the news? With SPECTRE donning the democratic party mantle with full seniority rights that leaves no Republican voice on the Judiciary Committee to forward any nominee’s name to the full Senate since at least one minority member must vote aye to forward a nominee for full Senate confirmation. It’s either a Committee or Senate rule so I expect the majority will quickly act to dismantle it, probably after dark, late at night, on a Friday before a long holiday perhaps early in July. It will be fun to watch the squirming.

  2. Speaking of Fridays good cynic, did you take note of how the One’s administration released the news late Friday afternoon that perhaps those vile abominations of justice and the Geneva Convention (Military Commissions) are perhaps necessary and will be retained after all?

    I’m enjoying watching the row back.

  3. Why not just shoot them? Stop this farce of “justice” and shoot the bastards? Military commissions have thrice been found illegal by the supreme court-because like most military court martials they are prejudiced in favor of the prosecution.

    We either take the high ground or we don’t. But we should stop trying to have our cake and eat it too.

    The military commissions law was on the books for two years and how many convictions have they had? Shoot the 100 unreleasables and move on. The end result is the same-and we can close GTMO.

  4. I’m with you, Skippy, fire away–and while we’re at it take the occasion to use the firing squads to test the effectiveness of various types of new S.A. ammunition–penetration, internal dispersion, etc. Literally “kill” two birds with one stone. (heh)