Far East Cynic

Worth repeating….

Because it makes so much sense:

The iron-girder he-men of the conservative blogosphere have greeted former Republican Senator from Pennsylvania Arlen Specter’s defection to the Democrats with whiskery hoots of “good riddance/get lost/don’t let the door hit your withered buttocks on the way out” and similar pleasantries. Many of them appear defiantly resigned to the Republican Party becoming a regional bastion of true believers, the Branch Davidian compound of the Confederate Jesus. To those, however, who still share the same sky as those in the real world and think that the best escape route out of minority status and possible extinction is to win elections (crazy, I know), the Specter defection is a disaster.

For the true believers though-its merely one down, a dozen more to go. We can end common sense in your life time!:

Now that Specter’s gone, we can turn to the real enemy – Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe! Then the only thing between us and victory will be Graham, Lugar, McCain, Murkowski, Grassley, Hatch, and some of the RINOs in the House. And the Governors, like Crist and Douglas and Lingle and anyone not named Palin or Jindal. And the Supreme Court Justices like the radical Kennedy. But time is on our side. If we get small enough, voters will finally see true conservatism, and then we’ll have to win.

  1. The coverage that MSNBC gives the Republican party is fascinating. The first ten minutes of Chris, Ed, Keith and Rachel almost always tells the viewer that the Republican party is finished. and then they proceed to villify one Republican or another, and so, like Dana Milbank, Byron York and others I wonder? “Why are the Democrats STILL so angry”?
    If indeed the Republicans are a political non entity and the DEMs rule the government whats the problem? I am perplexed.
    Shouldn’t the dems be dancing in the streets with joy….

  2. Two reason I can think of to be mindful:

    1) All Democrats should remember 1994. They can overreach just as the Republicans did 6 years ago.

    2)Because if the Republicans would ever get their stuff together and actually embrace the folks in the middle, instead of scorning them, they could probably build a dominant majority. Especially if we ever get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan and stop giving folks like me something to vote against them.

    Ronald Reagan won by courting conservative Democrats. However in those days the menu was not, “Take what we serve or get out!”. That’s essentially the Republican message these days. One has to either take all of their agenda or they are not worthy of membership. That’s alienating a lot of people and not all of them are liberal loons.

    The message on spending could resonate-if they were to offer somethign concrete that said they actually cared about people instead of simply saying that the current problems are indivdual’s fault.

    That does not work in the new demographics of today.

  3. Oh Come On!

    MSNBC is the democrats answer to Fox News….cause, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NPR, NYT, Washington Post, LA Times and all the other loser media totally in the bag for democrats aren’t shills for Obama and every single left wing lunatic waving an ACLU or democratic/communist party card?

    I love it when hard left dems invite the repubs to emulate the hard left or at least lick their spit if they want to survive. We really don’t need any advice from anybody that thinks that what we need is for everybody to follow the lead lemmings and leap off the cliff.

    We need a party that stands for small government, fair and honest non-progressive taxation and comm. You know you can fool most of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of them all of the time. The truth will out.

    I love how Obama and his henchman decry the lack of investment from the bailed out banks but do even you wonder where the money goes? With the USGovernment first in line with it’s hand out for $4 trillion in loans, where the hell is the capital coming from to restart the economy? By stealing the money from our grandchildren they are also sucking the life out of current markets and they end up on MSM tv demanding to know why the banks aren’t lending any money.

  4. Well I don’t know about you-but I’m getting some of that money, directly and indirectly. I’m saving money on mortgage thanks to low interest rates, I get more money in my paycheck each payday now, and the road to where I work is getting improved with stimulus money. Plus-the state will be able to continue to provide the services it needs.

    I want a government that provides the services a government is supposed to-well.

    There are a lot of people though, who don’t disagree with the spending message but don’t want to be tied to the Republican social agenda. I’m one of them in some ways. What you are saying is, those folks don’t have a home. Just hoping Obama will fail is not a strategy.

    As for all the media you mention-try reading or listening to them sometime. They print a lot more than you realize from all points of view. Otherwise why would there be articles critical of Obama in all of those news outlets. ( And I’ll be happy to show you articles from all of them that criticize the President).

  5. I think that as far as unbiased, fair and balanced TV news, the Newshour with Lehrer is the best, IF you want to hear from the not so usual talking heads you see all the time on the rest of cable news.
    Perhaps the problem for the discerning news hound these days is that there are so many news sources. Who to believe?