Far East Cynic

Why the National Review Online survives…..

And why Jonah Goldberg has not been burned at the stake. (His book sucks by the way….).

Because not every news magazine can be as good as The Economist.

P.S. The Financial Times has Goldberg pegged pretty well too………

  1. I don’t care for Goldberg as he is a preening idiot with an inflated opinion of himself. The Lew Rockwell crowd cut him to pieces and all he could say is “I hold the Paleos in contempt.” They laughed at him and went their way.

    National Review used to be more substantial than it is at present. Alas, Buckley betrayed his readers and cut-off the very people that made NR what it was. The people running the mag now would not have been considered as interns in the mid 60s.

    As much as it pains me, I have to say Goldberg is right about liberal Fascism. It’s purely accidental, but a blind pig will find a truffle now and again.