Far East Cynic

Well, that’s one solution…..

Wonder how long before Bill Kristol picks up on it?

TOKYO (AFP) – A Japanese doctor has apologised after saying that people should smoke themselves to an early death to save the country money on elderly care, according to his hospital.

“It is clear that medical costs will increase if non-smoking spreads,” the doctor said last week, according to Ida Hospital in Kawasaki City. “It’s better that people smoke a lot and die early.”

The man, whose name has been withheld, made the comment at a gathering of doctors, the hospital said.

Welcome back to the 30’s:


  1. Unfortunately the good doctor is on to something. Some interesting statistics.

    Roughly 80-90% of Medicare dollars are spent in last 6-12 months of life.

    Every smoker saves Social Security about $80 000.

    Tobacco taxes account for billions of dollars in revenue.

    35-49% of all hospital beds are occupied by tobacco related illnesses.

  2. As a matter of fact the SS Admin. programs ithe annual early smoking deaths (the vast majority of which happen pre, or in early years of SS eligiblity) into their official published cash-flow payout/liability projections.