Foot in mouth disease….

This is what happens when you savage the folks in Shopping Mall USA:

You get the mayor  to dump all over you.

This is Huntsville’s main east/west road. Huntsville missed out on I-65 when the interstates were laid out in the 1950’s,because Decatur was larger at the time. The town has grown from 16,000 people to 175,000 since 1950(when the interstates were originally planned)and the area does not get its fair share of highway money from Montgomery to this day.

On NPR, an economist had savaged the fact that lowly Shopping Mall had a 20 mile interstate connector which allowed folks to get through this little hick town in some semblance of quickness.

Guess he’s never sat out side of the gate of the Arsenal at 7am. Blow me you DC pogue!

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