Far East Cynic

Ten days notice….

For the man who will go down as one of the worst Presidents the United States has ever had.

We the People
Everywhere, USA

January 6, 2009

President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

Re: Termination of Employment

Dear President Bush,

This is to inform you that your services to the United States of America are no longer required and that your employment with the United States Government, on behalf of We the People, will be terminated as of January 20, 2009.

This letter serves as two (2) weeks notice of your termination. Given that you are being terminated with cause (incompetence), this notice is being given as a courtesy to you. The statutory law does not require an employer (“We the People”) to provide any notice when an employee is terminated for cause. However, despite your incompetence (two wars, “Mission Accomplished,” Katrina, etc.), We the People will be providing you with a Federal Pension and Retirement Benefits per the Former Presidents Act.

Please remove your and your family’s belongings from the White House on or before January 20, 2009 – and take Dick Cheney and the rest of your sorry administration and go.

Yours sincerely,

We the People

Sad part is-the genes of greatness are in the Bush family, they did produce a good president after all-but somehow they did not get passed down from father to son.

Or maybe, just maybe, Oliver Stone had it right-did the wrong son get to be President?

H/T to J-Two-O and My Canadian Counterpart.

  1. Thanks for the hat tip, Skippy-san, but please to be crediting that letter, which I wrote, appropriately — i.e., by either linking the whole thing to my original blog post or stating that I wrote it. Domo Arigato Gozaimasu. J. of J-TWO-O.

  2. That should be self evident from the links within the post.

    The link is to your blog post so as far as I am concerned, I’ve complied.

    Geez Louise…………..

  3. Gee Skippy,

    You just can’t seem to win these days.

    The letter is stupid on its face because Bush, having served 2 terms as the duly elected President of the United States was unable to run for a 3rd term and didn’t.

    Even more stupid was the reference to “The statutory law does not require an employer (”We the People”) to provide any notice when an employee is terminated for cause.” which would tend to undermine the putrid stinking idiocy of the left in this country who attacked Bush personally because the DOJ decided to fire underperforming US attorneys that can be dismissed, at will.

    It will be a pleasure, of sorts, watching you adjust your mind to accepting BO doing the same things that you hated GB for and lauding him for his courage and vision.



  4. Curtis,

    BO may and most likey will make missteps and mistakes. Just like Bush and all other presidents. Where Bush rises to the level of most supremely bad president is his persistance in following paths which prove themselves wrong and continue to follow the lead of Cheney, Rove and the rest of the neo-cons.

    This plus his insistence that the Constitution did not apply to him or his minions has endangered the ideals which have set us apart from the rest of the world.

    Is BO follows Bush II’s lead he will recieve and deserve the scorn of all thinking rational peoples.

  5. Curtis,

    BO may and most likey will make missteps and mistakes. Just like Bush and all other presidents. Where Bush rises to the level of most supremely bad president is his persistance in following paths which prove themselves wrong and continue to follow the lead of Cheney, Rove and the rest of the neo-cons.

    This plus his insistence that the Constitution did not apply to him or his minions has endangered the ideals which have set us apart from the rest of the world.

    Is BO follows Bush II’s lead he will recieve and deserve the scorn of all thinking rational peoples.

    When will we glimpse Bushophiles admit that Bush made even one minor misstep in his 8 year reign? I’m still waiting.

  6. Well shit Froggy,

    You could start off by pointing to a single misstep outside of the latest fiasco of giving trillions to ignorant thieves and crooks running our banking and real estate and financial empires (all of whom appear to be died in the wool democrats)

    What exactly was it dumbass?

    Was it rendition? started by Clinton?
    Was it Gitmo?…which, dumbass, was the libertarian alternative to rendition.
    Was it waterboarding? Which nobody died from and nobody can show a cute scar from?
    Was it attacking the Taliban? I know, pussies like you turn the other cheek just like Clinton had Monica do while he was doing it himself.

    Was it having the nerve to attack Saddam who claimed up until the moment he died that he “did too have WMD” and stuck out his tongue to prove the point? You know, because he did have WMD and had used them countless times before and did have ties/connections/and a damned alarming interest with terrorists?

    While I sneer at you and all like you for being truly stupid I do get a kick out of watching everything you believed about the one get undermined by his apparent willingness to continue every single one of the policies of this government from FISA and wire tapping on down.

    He now has begun to understand what the fuck is going on in the world which is most surely something that will escape you until the end of your days. You see, he gets briefed every single day on reality and you persist in living in your own little fantasy land.

    I’m sure you’re too busy to read this since you must join your comrades in burning down a synagogue or catholic chapel as a sign of protest that is surely justified under the new rules of realpolitic.

  7. Yeah, I know, you all seem to have lost your connection to the WWW. You must hasten to blame Bush once you get it back and justify your silence or not. WGASWYT

  8. Curtis,

    I happen to know Foggy quite well and he is not a “pussy”. He, like me, simply has a different viewpoint and a slew of facts to back it up. He also is a fine gentleman in the old southern tradition. There’s room enough for civility in discussions between gentlemen who disagree.

    Its not an all or nothing thing-there will be things that Bush did that Obama will adopt, just as now, at the end, GWB is finally admitting that he made some pretty big mistakes in his assesement of the Middle East.

    Obama, BTW, announced he will close GTMO after all. I’m glad he did. Its a quick thing that he can do that will signal a break with the past-and as for the people that cannot be released-well I’ve always felt they could be put in jail in the states. Try them, convict them, or just let them go back to the country they came from. In theory the ground has changed for them anyway.

  9. The fact GWB is admitting some rather large and significant mistakes in the Middle East has raised my opinion of him a lot; I stil lthink he will go done in history as one of the most inept presidents ever. But my opinion of him as a person has risen. A person who tried but failed; failed I think because of who he chose as advisors and his blind adherance to ideology rather than facts.

  10. Everything changes when you sit in the big chair.
    Today in the NYT there is an article that Obama has no shortage of potential experts on the ME, all with decades of experience and ALL have different points of view on how to proceed.
    Who would you choose?
    How do you know who is correct?

  11. Skippy-san,

    I want to immediately address your reply before reading that of Foggy since you raised a couple of points that I think I should address before I reply to a man that you think of as a gentleman. You know who I at least claim to be and may have passed that on to Foggy at my behest when we chatted here a month or two ago.

    I happen to be a huge believer in reciprocity. I have no plans to sit idly on the sidelines and watch you and all your ilk praise the ONE for doing exactly the same things that Bush did. NO. You voted for this guy because you knew that in spite of being a complete empty suit he was going to be different from mcbushitlerchimp and I plan to enjoy watching as you and he discover the meaning of realpolitic which used to be taught in some universities.

    Close GITMO by all means!!!! Shut it down and end a continuous 600 man Expeditionary Security Battalion IA that has been eating us alive! Just, you know, tell me what you plan to do with those dirtbag terrorist/freedom fighters that don’t appear to have broken any US law by waging terrorism against people overseas since there don’t seem to be any US laws against inciting murder, killing and whatnot against non-American losers overseas. You want to bring them here and incarcerate them in nice US jails. Don’t you have to charge a man to put him in a jail? Have I missed something or perhaps you and Foggy don’t understand what it means to be jailed in the US. To be jailed here one must be charged with a crime against the the peace and domestic tranquility of us citizens. To people like myself this is manifest ignorance or callous indifference on your part since there is no way to do this to POWs.

    What you and them don’t understand is that a murderous foreign killer who killed overseas in non-US territory can’t be charged under our laws unless you decide to totally use the Constitution as toilet paper and wipe your ass with it. You and Foggy are more in tune with this approach then treating our enemies as enemies and EPW.

    The simple fact that you and Foggy et al don’t understand the distinction is frustrating. Do you somehow think that the courts of this country won’t find that they cannot convict these dirtbags of crimes? Of course they’ll find that and have no choice but to release them. I’m cool with that. I’d release them all to Pakistan. That way, they’ll likely die under the guns of our suffering troops in Afghanistan rather than blowing themselves and 25 Iraqi innocents to hell.

  12. Oh, never mind…

    It appears that some of you thought that being Pres meant that you were a perfect being incapable of error or mistake……My bad. Me, I always knew that being a man inferred lack of perfection and a proneness to error but that’s just because I was married for 5 years. Of course I know better now.

    I am SO looking forward to the next 4 years as the man who cannot make decisions is tossed life and death decisions every day.

  13. I think there are 3 categories of the remaining folks in GTMO:

    1) Those that cannot be released because they are still a threat.

    Put them in a maximum security prison with the general population. They will thin out the Muslim herd. The American prisoners may be murders and rapists but they are patriotic murders and rapists. That’s why John Walker is in solitary. He’d be dead in a week in San Quintin general population. So too would most of the GTMO guys.

    2) Those like the Chinese Muslims who are afraid to go home.

    That’s not our problem.

    3) Those who have no cases against them and will have to be released and probably would have been released anyway.

    Turn them over to Iraq of Afghan custody which was the original plan anyway. Charge them under Iraqi or Afghan laws. Wasn’t that the whole point of changing the government?

    I think you are selling the legal system short-and besides if we want to be the shining city on the hill, we have to live by our own laws.

  14. Skippy;

    That’s interesting. Toss the GTMO prisoners to other wolves, and like Clinton and Panetta’s Rendition program, just turn a blind eye for the sake of political gain.

    Nice solution: Let loose the “vigilantes” of the world to fix the problems that “polite” and elitist society can’t manage to stomach in our country.

    1. Yea, that is pretty much it. Or try them in our own courts. GTMO is unsustainable. Either we can make or case or we can’t. If we can’t-then there is not much other choice. Turn them back to Afghan or Iraqi justice or try them here-but either way move on from the current stasis………..