Far East Cynic

One guy who does not need to stay around…….

For the most part, I have been impressed with the cabinet appointments President Elect Obama has made. His more liberal supporters are disappointed he did not appoint Kool-aid drinkers, but by seeking to have a cabinet that is at the same time inclusive and broadly based, he showing that he takes this little undertaking seriously. One of his best picks was to keep Secretary Gates on at Defense. Gates has shown how truly horrid, Donald Rumsfeld was as a SECDEF, and the past two years with Gates at the helm have been a tonic after over 5 years of Rummy’s buffoonery.

Gates has signaled however, that he is prepared to make some changes at the levels below him. I sure hope so-there’s a couple of people who are long past their shelf life-one guy in particular who should have been exiled a long time ago. Of course, I am talking about my favorite punching bag, and overall evil Pentagon henchman, Dr. David Chu.

Dr Chu’s sins are long and heinous. I’ve tried to chronicle the worst of them here. Soon, if all goes well-he will back at the Rand Corporation where he can only write about screwing active duty and veterans over-instead of actually doing it.
It really is time for the “Stingy Man” to go away. Gates should not only tell Chu that he is no longer welcome in the Pentagon-he should publicly fire him before January 20th-so as to send a statement that this new administration means what it says about keeping promises to the troops.

Let the healing begin.

  1. Skippy,

    Can’t share your enthusiasm for Obama’s cabinet picks. Other than Gates most are just crooked Clinton admin retreads. Beyond that I don’t trust this group of clowns to empower Gates to run defense.

    As far as Chu goes, at least he pays his taxes. His problem is in his home’s crawl space. “WASHINGTON – U.S. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu announced his resignation this morning amid new reports that Alameda County workers had unearthed more than a dozen additional dead hobo bodies at his former home in Berkeley, California. The Nobel Prize-winning physicist had been the subject of a week-long controversy after he amended his White House application form to declare “3 or 4″ hobo corpses in his crawl space, but after this morning’s discovery, Chu said he felt he could no longer serve as an effective spokesman for Administration energy policy.”

    (h/t Iowahawk)