Far East Cynic

Dear House Republicans…..

My Canadian counterpart has a word for you:

If you’re  an American citizen reading this, and roughly seven out of ten you are, this is a week for unmitigated fucking panic. And you really should be scared. You are, to put it politely, utterly screwed. You’re fucked in ways that neither God or man ever intended.

However, you shouldn’t feel all that lonely. In destroying the world’s greatest economy, you’re going to take the rest of us down with you. If nothing else, you’ll have a lot of company on the way down the sinkhole. If nothing else, you have that to feel good about. Your adventures in creative banking have managed to do what communism and fascism couldn’t, actually end the world.

One of the great things like I like to hear during times like these is that “nobody could have forseen it being this bad.”

In a word, horseshit.

And if that is not enough, Tony Blair has a message for all you assholes whose names start with Rep….and end with (R):

If we were in Britain right now!

H/T Andrew Sullivan.

  1. Skippy, you are sinking to the low road by using derogatory name calling. I suppose you think the Dem (D) only took the money from Freddie / Fanny so they could help us poor citizens. There is enough blame to spread all over the entire Congress and past administrations.

  2. Millions of us ordinary folk have money in 401K’s/IRA’s and NOT to realize what it would mean if congress did not pass this bill is utterly amazing and the inability of this government and the media to simply explain what is at stack borders on criminality.
    And I am pissed.
    and I guess “main street” NOW knows what the consequences are of inaction.

  3. So a Democratic Majority in the House would not vote for this rescue bill and that’s the Republicans fault? The Democrat Whip says that Pelosi never told him to whip the party to support this bill so he didn’t and that’s the Republicans fault?

  4. Skippy-san,

    Wend your way over to Theo Sparks place and listen to Karl Rove discuss the vote. Your head might explode but that’s what he’s for. Seriously, he lays out the simple fact that if the democratic leadership had turned just 12 of the 94 democrats who voted against the bill, it would have passed.

  5. I used to enjoy your so-called middle-of-the-road rantings and psycho-babble as amusing and prnakish, but now I’m just sad for you. That you’ve been (back) in this country for such a short time, and have fallen prey to the democrat MSM (media suck machine) is pitiful.

    To blame the house republicans for not passing this is laughable; remember, the democrats have a majority in the house, they could have passed it without one republican voting for it. They were locked out of the drafting of the proposal while democrats added billions of dollars worth of earmarks and legislation that would give 20% of all receipts to socialist organizations like ACORN. There was no debate. And then they were supposed to sign this? WTF?

    Maybe you should read and listen to some facts (I’d point you to some but it would probably be a waste of my time; if it would not be, I’d be more than glad to) and stop listening to the MSM regurgitate democratic talking points issued by the very people who got us into this mess, and who purport to get us out of it. The truth is out there and isn’t hard to find if you want to find it.

    Maybe you should do some research into what exactly is going on and maybe not listen to people from other countries who do not really understand our political and economic systems (seeing that neither are socialist).

    Or, maybe you and Barak Hussein Obama should just get together and go bowling or something.

    I know you would like to make your way back to the orient soon; I wish you godspeed, and fair winds and following seas. But please, wherever it is your journey takes you… apply for citizenship.

  6. I will remain an American citizen no matter where I live. That’s a given.

    The simple fact is that we are beyond the point of not passing the bill- it needed to be passed. Most economists whose opionions can be trusted agreed on this including the WSJ which is a part of the MSM, but certainly no friend of the Democrats.

    I’d be curious to see your sources-I have a pretty diverse set of things I listen to and read, so I would take issue with your assertion that I have jumped off the deep end. I’m angry at those who think I should have to suffer a major hit to my investments-just to prove a point. So yea my language is intemperate-but to say that this mess is just the fault of the Democrats, is just incorrect from the gitgo. At several points in the last 8 years the Adminstration could have given the markets a push in the right direction.

    Recommend your Congressman vote against the legislation-but have no doubt, when they do, it will affect you and me. In ways we fully are not yet able to comprehend.

  7. Skippy-san,
    Ask 4 economists for an opinion and you get 5 opinions. A consensus economist opinion is like a consensus of global climate specialists. Not worth the paper it’s written on.

  8. My source is the congressional record. In 2003 and 2005 the republican controlled congress tried to reel these out of control institutions in and were blocked by democrat minorities in the Senate. Specifically, and it is well documented, John McCain predicted in 2005 that exactly what has happened would happen if changes in the F-M’s weren’t made.

    While I admit that President Bush has been asleep (or maybe text messaging) at the wheel for most of the past five years, there was little he could do about the situation without congress. There was “congressional oversight” already built in to the F-Ms… and now they want more oversight of their slush fund for socialism.