Far East Cynic

Sadly, I think he may be right.

My Canadian counter part about Obama that is:

Yes, it’s happening again, if only because the party insists on nominating amateurs solely because they’re popular with people who don’t tend to vote in general elections. It’s happening again because the Democrats refuse to believe that empty platitudes can’t beat professional politicians who are determined to win. It’s happening again because liberals are so unjustifiably arrogant as to think that people will believe in them without bothering to convince them.

You’d think that losing seven of the last ten presidential elections would have taught them something. It obviously hasn’t. I agree that if President Bush was on the ballot, Obama would whip him like a retarded stepchild. But that overlooks that a retarded stepchild would whip President Bush like retarded stepchild at this point.

It also overlooks the fact that John McCain is on the ballot and John McCain, like right thinking people everywhere, hates President Bush personally. Yes, there are pictures of McCain hugging Bush, but most adults know that this is an example of McCain being a good soldier, a concept apparently unfamiliar with the community organizing circles. Any look at recent polling proves that nobody gives a shit about McCain’s perceived closeness to Bush.

Read the rest and then ask yourself the David Broder question.

  1. Wow! I agree with skippystalin! Obama is an absolute moron. So are his advisers.

    I just watched the latest ‘computer’ advert that says that McCain is too stupid to learn the internet. Sure makes me wonder how he learned to fly attack airplanes off carriers and then land them again. Why he can’t be any smarter than mcchimpybushhitler who is clearly stupid enough [insert democrat insult here].

    So, Skippy, is the bloom off the rose with you as well? Is Obama nothing more than a clean black man? I’ve heard him and he is even more inarticulate than Bush. I’ve heard him described as bright but I have yet to see one iota of proof of this claim. I haven’t seen his SAT, ACT, Columbia GPA, LSATs or Harvard Law GPA. I won’t read his trashy novels but is there ANYTHING else of his in writing such as a legal opinion that I can hold up in the air and juxtapose with that of the other chimp, Clarence Thomas? You know, evidence of his brilliance?

    I think democrat fools have just invested billions in another limp cold waffle. Perhaps, there is a man or woman of substance in the democrat party but I haven’t seen any sign of it in my lifetime.

  2. There is a long way to go, but my sense is also that the trend is not going to reverse, it is going to accelerate. The electoral college is not going to be close.

    It is too late for the Dems to reinvent the message, and neither the candidate nor the campaign is artful enough to engineer a recovery in any case.

  3. If it is solely because of Palin-then the American voter is truly stupid.

    The bloom was never off the rose-except in the fact that I want this election to do what the one in 2004 should have done: Send a big “fuck you” to George W Bush for leading the country down a rat hole.

    I’ve said it before-the Democrats can come back but they have to get rid of the feminists and the other fringe groups who strangle their nominating process.

    As for the Republicans-I am a Republican, just not a “conservative” in the definition that the evangelical wackos give it. Religion has no place in politics, I don’t care if a woman has an abortion-except that maybe contraception should be freely available- and I think there are things the government needs to do, and there are too many obscenely rich people while the rest of watch our savings shrink in value.

    And I want my ex-wife to get nothing of my pension.

    That is me politically. Find someone who will do those things I’ll vote for him.

  4. Here’s the thing that I recognize about American politics that most Americans don’t, maybe because I’m not an American. You don’t elect presidents and haven’t in a long time. You elect a game show host, albeit one with impressive firepower.

    Let’s look at the big issues in presidential campaigns in the last twenty years. Flag burning, the death penalty, the pledge of alliegience, abortion and sex education are all things that the office of the president has little or nothing to do with. They’re exercises in stupidity that serve no purpose other than to give retarded people hard-ons.

    You know what makes American elections so easy to call? The fact that the greatest test you use when pulling the lever is “who would I rather have a beer with?” That this makes the election and re-election of George W. Bush ironic beyond words should go without saying. With the exception of Richard Nixon, your elections have worked out that way since 1932.

    When was the last time your average American voted for someone who makes his or her skin actually crawl? I do it all of the time and so do most people in the rest of the world. But you’re not voting for a leader, you’re voting for a helpless but loveable dad in a fucking com. I still can’t figure out why you just don’t elect Bill Cosby and get it over with.

  5. SkippyStalin,

    What was easy to call about the Gore/Bush election that went to the Supreme Court? Gore wins the popular vote, loses the electoral college.

  6. Which makes one sure and certain that the Democrats were idiots to take it to the courts when maybe it belonged in Congress…Always stupid, all the time.