Down for the count………

Get up, go to work, come home, fall asleep-repeat.

That was what today was and is why I have not posted in two nights. It is  not that I feel bad really-but for whatever reason the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Even a “little wine for thy stomach’s sake” is not exactly doing the trick.

I also was back and forth to the house today-which was tiresome in its own right. By the time 8:30 rolled around, the couch was beckoning its welcome nappiness.

So go over and read SJS if you please and read about the decline of NASA-a once great institution. He’s got a great post on what’s happening there of late. Since I live here in Shopping Mall USA, the fate of NASA is near and dear to the town. At the Air show this summer they had displays about the new Ares Rocket-the rocket that will take men back to the moon. But not till 2020. My question is simply why? Why does it take so long-for what appears to be nothing but a solid state version of the Saturn V?  We should have been going back and forth to the moon for the last 30 years-that we have not is a testament to our shame.

Now its time to go back to bed-perchance to dream.

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