Your tax dollars at work……

It is Ash Wednesday, and belive it or not I went to Mass today. The church did not cave in on me-so I’m taking that as a good sign. Nonetheless it leaves me in a non-blogging, contemplative mood today. I want time to read my books-and think some.

However I did stumble across something really cool-the NASA web site. It is really worth checking out-its got some neat things to do.  For example you can go here, and track where the International Space Station is right now. Or see pictures of the Earth.  There is also a pretty cool tutorial on how the station orbits the Earth.

Then again, if I had my way, NASA’s budget would be tripled ( I’d take the money from Iraq-at least with NASA we get a return our investment) and they would be sending at least one mission a year to the Moon with people on board.  To resupply our lunar base, of course.

But that is  just me. Enjoy……….

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