Upgrading again……..

There are not enough hours in the day it seems these days.

Work? Busy.

S.O.’s car? “A hole in the road in which you pour money.”
(P.S. anyone have experience with airbag lights on a BMW that come on mysteriously?)

Life in general-not so hot. She’s sick and now I think she gave it to me. I crashed at 9:pm last night. Was supposed to call my son and slept right through it. Thus no blog post.

And to add insult to injury, Word Press has new version out. So the trip to the FTP server begins again.
(Why can’t they have an auto upgrade?).

I am starting to agree with those pundits who are smelling trouble for Obama. (and I am not an Obama supporter-I just want to know which McCain is on the ballot). The appearance at Saddleback was ill advised if you ask me. Daniel in the Lion’s Den, with a bunch or rabid lions who would never be convinced no matter what he said. McCain did better-but over what? Agreeing with people who are not going to vote for his opponent. Or comfortable with an approach to religon that is suffocating? Lose-Lose for Obama if you ask me.

David Gergen agrees with me.

So does Time Magazine:

But on specific issues, Obama is treading water or sinking a bit. On the number one issue of the campaign right now, the economy, Obama leads McCain 43%-39%, compared to 44%-37% reported by TIME’s poll in June. Despite his highly touted tour of Europe, the Middle East and Afghanistan last month, Obama may be in something of a late summer slump. The poll shows that voters have increased their faith in McCain’s ability to manage the Iraq war, favoring him over Obama by a margin of 51%-36%, a five point jump since June. And voters boosted their belief that McCain would do a better job in managing the war on terror than they did in June, favoring the Arizona Senator over his colleague from Illinois by a 56%-29% margin, up from 53%-33% in June.

And if that is not bad enough, he’s got angels on his side(NSFW):

Now if you will excuse me, I’ve got to go lose files.

And I’ll be the first to say it about the girl in the green-Nice Rack!

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