Far East Cynic

Chu gets screwed………..

The good doctor silently weeps. The President signed the GI bill into law a couple days ago so that he could pay for the war. Whatever gets the job done……….

Many people say this was about affordability and transferability. Regarding the former-if the country can afford to keep 150, 000 troops in Iraq for the next few years, it can afford to pay some college tuition. About the latter, I never understood why that is a big deal.  I know that tuitions have gone through the roof and some would like to do so-fine, whatever blows your skirt. Does not mean anything to me. This benefit is for me and me alone. Transfering it to one’s spouse is like giving up part of your retirement when she dumps you-an unearned benefit. And we all know I am not, in any way , bitter about that.

But as a VEAP baby-its good to see this bill pass. Having Bush and McCain parrot your talking points failed, dear Dr. The best point about this election is that hopefully, no matter who wins, you will be packing your things and leaving the Pentagon. Screw you.



  1. Cannot in my wildest delusions see Barak keep Chu. McCain not too sure. He seems unable to decide if he is or is not Bush III. Seems to me if he wants to win he must clearly seperate and distance himself from Bush. Something he cannot seem to force himslef to do. Just hired a Bushie to run his campaign.

    But not to worry seems the country is in a big time change mood.