Things in common…

What do The Townhall Harlot and the Chinese government have in common?

They can both dish out criticism, but they cannot take it. With the Chinese, it seems they don’t like having the truth about their stinking commie government pointed out by CNN. With Michelle Malkin it has to do with any feedback that is not laudatory to her, praising her fifth grade prose, or otherwise making her out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Now its no secret that I have no use for this particular Pinay. And I was going to set out on a rant-until I found out that the work had already been done for me:

date Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 6:51 PM
subject Unhinged: Exposing a very Rude Asian Girl


I am writing about the messy silly child like article you wrote about “Snob-ama not alone out there”.

FYI, I am from a small town in Pennsylvania and graduated from a nearby university in West Virginia. FYI, Obama is right on the money about the jobs drying up, guns, religion, etc. However, he forgot about the crystal meth, drugs, alcohol, gun deaths, etc. You need to get out of the office, stop writing junk mail, do your home work, and stop stealing one liners from the O’Reiley Factor. Michelle you even been to Pennsylvania? Probably not……..

I watch the FACTOR on FOX regularly. When you come on the show, I am so turned off by you, your negative energy, rude behavior, unprovoked personal attacks on guests, and snobbery that I actually turn the channel until FOX sponsors put the hook around your neck and yank you off the air. You seem like a miserable human being.

How did you get that job? You have no talent and can barely write a fluid sentence. I have yet to see you have one smart, engaged, ORIGINAL intellectual thought, and down to earth conversation. I have yet see you treat a guest on the FACTOR with respect and without personal attacks. I guess that people like you and Anne Coulter rehearse your LINES in the mirror to see whom can say the most outrageous things.

I am sure your life is not perfect and I am also sure that you have never lived nor been to any small town Pennsylvania. I don’t see any Asians in the back woods honey.

People like you try to make a quick buck (leach) on the coat tails of talented hard working smart All-American people by trying to tear them down with stupid unfounded remarks. For instance, I watched John McCain doing a public Q&A on C-Span this week (The Week of April 14 to 20) and the question came up about Obama being an Elitist. Guess what? – You were wrong. FYI, Senator McCain said “NO – I don’t believe Obama is an Elitist – McCain went on to say ” Obama made a mistake and used the wrong words – BUT Obama was correct about small towns – FYI – Michelle – the people in small town America are angry.”

Michelle – if anybody is a snob – ITS you. We are lucky to have people like Obama and McCain step up to the plate like true All American men, ignore your trash mouth, and try to make a difference. Lastly, what have you done to make America a better place to live. I can only imagine you are a “taker”, sensationalist, story teller, opportunist, and a bad journalist.

I also find you to be rude, obnoxious, talentless, and probably an EEO hire to fill an Asian hiring requirement. Seriously, if you lost your job, NOBODY at FOX or in Pennsylvania would care because we don’t listen to your negative personal attacks on good American people. Where in the hell did you attend journalism school. China?

Kisses from Kissimmee, Florida,

Registered Informed Free Thinking Independent Voter

Pretty well sums that up!

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