Far East Cynic


As in lets go home!

After taking the S.O. out for what I thought would be a nice farewell dinner to shopping mall USA, I got treated to a tirade on American food. The restaurant-a nice Italian grill with some very cold and tasty micro-brews did serve some very large portions. I reminded her, that is just kind of the way it is at nice restaurants. Besides people don’t eat out every night. If we were at a home we could control the size of our portions.

“American food is so greasy and here there is no choice but greasy”.

I’ve known her long enough now, that when I hear that-I just contemplate my beer, keep silence, and flag the waitress down to order another. If it were not for the road nazis and mad mothers I might of even ordered 2!

All that said-this has been a productive trip. Change is coming to Skippyland. I’m slowing working through the five stages of the near term death of expatdom. Anger is slowly giving way to …….denial…………….

Whimpering will continue all along the way. More detail when it is better suited to do so.

Got to pack and be up early tomorrow. See you back on the right side of the international date line!

  1. I’m leaving Tokyo on Friday. If you’re back and not too jet lagged and want to grab a beer on Thursday night, let me know.

  2. My apologies-I folded like a cheap suit this afternoon, so I did not get back to you. I hope to get back to Hong Kong before years end though.