Far East Cynic

Across the pond………

Not for work this time, that’s all done. For new work-hopefully good work-but not in the location that I would ever have wanted or expected. Such is life I suppose-and it is true everything is an adventure. S.O. is going along with me on this trip, which is going to be interesting. Probably a damn-fool decision to bring her along-but I’m too big a wimp to just tell her to go away. Besides, her smile still does it for me. Sigh……….     🙁

This is not the big jump-but just a 10 day visit to shopping mall USA. Still hoping against hope for a miracle to keep away from the big jump, but we will see.  More info to follow when it can be told. For now-just stay tuned. All will be revealed in good time.

New laptop going along-we’ll see how the blogging goes.