Far East Cynic

CSI-Yokosuka. PartII

According to Japan Probe, the Yomiuri Shinbun is reporting some new details in the case of the Japanese taxi driver found stabbed to death after driving a U.S. sailor from Tokyo to Yokosuka:

According to the police, the sailor, a U.S. citizen of Nigerian origin, told U.S. Navy investigators that he called a Nigerian friend and told him that he did it, apparently referring to the killing. He also told navy investigators that he told the acquaintance that he stabbed someone.

The credit card of the 22-year-old seaman apprentice stationed at the Yokosuka Naval Base was discovered inside the taxi of Masaaki Takahashi, 61, from Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo, who was found fatally stabbed in his taxi in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, on March 19.

My advice stands-stock up on liquor for the upcoming lock down.