Far East Cynic

Spring has sprung!

And effective today, I join the ranks of the leisure class-at least for a while. Today was my last full day at work. Clean out the desk, turn out the lights, wipe all the porn files off the computer. Stick a fork in me I am done!

Hopefully, it will only be for a couple of months and during that time one of the lines I have cast into the water will render forth. As I have pointed out before, barring a miracle, it will probably be a line that draws me back to the land of fat women and rude people-at least for a while. Sigh. Still it beats not working and living with my parents. ( Although my mother would like that……..). I’ll be here in Japan for a couple of more months though and will continue to comment, lambast, criticize and otherwise be an obnoxious part of Bloggerville. I actually had someone accuse me of being a misogynist. Can you believe that? I’m offended-after all if any one loves women-its me.  Misogynist? Pshaw-not me. I’m right up there with Camille Pagila-I love women, all kinds of women. For their tits minds and maternal qualities.

So since today is Friday and spring has come, it points out that a young man’s fancy turns to:



And of course, with the advent of spring time and the soon to occur blooming of the Sakura, one has to think of:


Now I ask you, how could anyone ever think I was capable of hating that?

Rubbish! I love women!

  1. “Misogynist”…kinda like being accused of being a homophobe if you happen to disagree with some aspect of homosexuality. Words have meanings and twisting those meanings to fit a particular agenda doesn’t do anyone any favors.

    Enjoy the time off…hope something turns up that doesn’t involve moving back stateside.

  2. Congrats! Ceremony? Piss in your shoe? Party? A long way since CAG -11 on the America. All the best.

  3. I would say that the commenter did not twist the meaning of the word Misogynist at all. But I must say that it is far more likely you suffer from gynophobia with a touch of misogynism. As a long time reader who, for quite some time, imagined that you were writing much if this with your tongue firmly planted in you cheek, I am sad to say that I may be wrong.
    You claim to love women but it is obvious that you have little to no respect for anyone of the female gender and that includes your daughter, sisters and mother. You continually lambast your ex wife with no regard to the fact that she is your children’s mother. For that reason and no other, you should have chosen the high road and refused to speak of her at all. For the sake of the children you seldom see and nothing else. It would be quite interesting to hear your first wife’s take on the marriage. It might just prove great comic relief.
    You rake women across the coals with no apologies, one can choose to read the drivel or not. But it is sad to see how little regard you have for your sister’s or mother’s gender. And what of this poor woman to whom you refer as “Japanese baggage”.
    Uh huh, purely gynophobic. Being sexually obsessed has nothing to do with being a man or a good lover. Me thinks you may well lack sorely in both those areas.
    There are millions of happy couples out in the real world, couples who are devoted to one another, enjoy great sex lives, raise their children, create a home and think that being married is something to be cherished. How sad that some never know these pleasures fully. Many keep looking and trying. I hope you do. It is worth the effort.
    It just seems that you are bitter and filled with loathing (Possibly self loathing as well)
    for the nation of your birth and it’s citizens. The venom fairly spews from much of this blog. When writing about politics you can be insightful and even *almost* intelligent for a career Navy man. But it is all brought down to a very different level when you speak of women, your ex wife and sex. A very different level.
    If you choose to spend the rest of your life in Asia, God speed. I wish you well. But do so because you love it there, love the work you do (In a job I hope you get there), love your Japanese spouse.
    Not because of any hatred you feel toward the US and it’s women. I have fought weight gain for many reasons, the least of which was from injury. Still, I love being attractive and sexy and absolutely adore my husband. But then, I would simply be written off as one of “the fat women” in a land of rude people.
    May I take it that your body is buff? That you are tall and quite good looking? Somehow I doubt that…oops. Just another rude comment from an American. A rude fat female American.

    I wish you well in your future endeavours.

  4. To you, sir: May this Easter, and this Spring, bring you the enjoyment of many of God’s blessings. I wish you well.

    To “Susie”: The phrase “if you can’t find something nice to say…” comes to mind.

  5. Jumping into a very deep pool without a life jacket. And knowing full well its a bad idea to feed trolls.

    First, thank you for reading. As Bill Wilson would say “Keep coming back!”

    Susie, there is so much to chew on in your response so let me take a few things bit by bit. Without a doubt it is the longest comment I have ever gotten for a beer and babes post.

    1) I do know that there are folks who have families and they very much enjoy that time. The simple truth is-I am not one of those people. I never have been. Which, truth be told is probably why I thrived in the Navy. God bless those who do manage it-but I can no more do so than saw a man in half. That does not make me a bad person by the way. However it does mean I understand myself a lot better now than I did when I was trying to live in everyone’s cookie cutter mode of who or what I should be.

    2) Regarding my ex wife. Yea I am bitter. The financial burden that I am saddled with is what stands between me and the life of my choosing. She does not deserve one single dime of it. When I speak of her and I will continue to do so, its a way to channel my frustration at a system that rewards her for her sloth. Being an economic justice kind of guy-and wanting to look out for myself first-I really do not care what she thinks about it. I stayed in a bad marriage for 20 years because of some sort of “obligation” to my children. When the inevitabld break came it was all the worse for them and for me. The only person who benefited was the ex-and it was pretty much because she had already milked me dry spiritually. fianacially, and physically. As for her verison of my marriage-who cares? She would not speak kindly of me and I’m not going to speak kindly of her. The day I have to stop paying her money-I’ll think about it. Otherwise, it is the price of admission tell the truth about her and her thieving ways. There is a guy on this comment thread who knows her-his take, as an outsider, is the same as mine. Turns out a lot of people felt the same. I was the one that was too stupid to recognize it.

    Besides-lambasting her in a blog is cheaper than many of the alternatives. 😉

    3) As for Asia-my reasons for liking it are complex, but a lot of it is tied up to my former experiences with the culture and society of America and the women who live there. I would enjoin you to look at some of the blogs I link to and you will see there are more than a few of us men out there of similar viewpoint. One thing you find is a common thread is that they remain firmly attached to their home country, but having been to the mountaintop and seen what a good existence can be; they are in no hurry to go back to that which is not. In my case it still does not make me any less a proud American. But I’m more at home over here.

    Bottom line? It takes all kinds of people in the world. And I would submit to you that one of the great things about the blogoshere is that people with different viewpoints can still discuss items in civility.

    Now if you will excuse me-its a beautiful day and the golf course awaits.

  6. Susie & Skippy,

    I understand from where Skippy speaks. Regarding his most recent ex-wife: I have one almost exactly from the same mold. In fact mine may have been the template from which his was cut. Mine exasperates even her attorney some 28 years post divorice. Skippy’s view of the role of women in the military is shaped by his experience and background. However I do believe he is a most fair and intellecutally honest individual in all aspects of his life.

    In short Skippy is one good of the good guys. If your daughter were to have a male supervisor she could not hope to have a better advocate when she does her job. That is not a misogynist in my book.