Far East Cynic

Time of reflection………….

That does not involve restriction to my house. USFJ and others please take note.


Today was my birthday. Aside from the S.O. making me a really nice dinner, there was nothing spectacular. I would have been happier to be in Wanchai, drinking beer at Bulldogs, or the New Makati,  if you ask me. However, when I will be able to make a Wanchai crawl again will be problematic at best. Its not looking good for the home team. The land of fat women and greasy food appears looming on the horizon. After over eight years of living the good life in Asia-its a gloomy prospect. I’m doing my best to be stoic about it though. God willing this is round one in a 15 round battle and like the Schwarzeneger-I will be back!

Its not totally hopeless, just the odds are shifting towards the wrong side of the force………………

Given the events of the last couple of weeks though it may be for the best in the short term. The real question though,  is how I will be able to thrive and survive in a world with no subway or good train service.  More importantly without the joys of Wanchai, Manila, Singapore and Bangkok inside an evening’s flying window.

Then again- there is always………….what exactly? Columbia or Dominican Republic or Brazil? Not very likely.  Plus I don’t speak Spanish. Fun times in any major US city? None of them, hold the fascination of Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo or Bangkok for me.  After all, beer and skittles only goes so far you know.

Any living in the US has to be viewed as a time to get healthy-physically, financially and mentally. Build assets and get my ass back to Asia just as soon as I can. How I’m going to manage pilgrimage back to the right side of the dateline yearly-that will be the question.

Small decisions, made earlier on, rise up and become your fate.

Sounds like I need some of this for my birthday present:


Beer and babes together! Saving bandwidth!

Now if you will excuse me-I have a hangover to create. Wallowing in self pity is not going to happen by itself you know!

  1. Many happy returns of the day Skipps!!!!!

    Sorry for your current solemn mood – the world works in mysterious ways, and opportunity comes when you least expect it – chin up!

    Now I’m starting to sound like a Hallmark card….

    PS: I nearly fainted at the no warning nearly-NSFW picture – my boss sits right behind me.

  2. Yikes! Would not want to join the banned IP list. Maybe I should go back and re-crop the picture-then again maybe your boss could use the thrill! 🙂

  3. Happy birthday. Hope things work out for you.

    My birthday present – in 1999, I lost my job in Hong Kong. (Well, I didn’t lose it, just when I went there, someone else was doing it.) And with the financial crisis, I couldn’t find another. After months of searching, I had no choice but to return to the US. Two years and 3 months later, I got a phone call that started off “We hear you want to return to Hong Kong? We’ve got an opening ….”

    If it happened to me, it can happen to you!

  4. Happy Birthday Skippy. Feels sure thigns will work out the best for you.

    Good luck.

  5. Skippy,
    Happy Birthday. Count your blessings….#1 you are no longer residing with the Demonic Evil Daughter of Darkness!
    Keep your head down.

  6. Stein,

    Yes, but the ex still reaches up from Sheol to smite me on the first of every month.

    Or were you talking about (FILL IN THE BLANK). The list of demonic daughters is long and undistinguished.

  7. Happy natal day, guy!

    Now ignore what I just said, stop thinking about depressing things like being a year older, and join me in a beer.

    Eins! Zwei! G’suffa!

  8. What is the proper age to kick off a mid life crisis? I’m hitting 40 this June and up to know I’ve been joking about the looming crisis, edge of the abysys, and all – but it ain’t so freikin’ funny anymore (insert baning one’s head on wall image here).

    JTG – I thought it was Eins! Zwei! Drei! ZUFFA! – Though Herr Dobner, my german teacher didn’t teach us that one, the Bad Cannstatter Fest 20 minutes from my High School did. Damn I need to go back for some Stuttgarter Hoefbrau!

  9. My German teacher, Frau Wilson (I forget her German maiden name) taught us that in High School.

    I think it started; “In Muenchen steht ein Hofbraeuhaus, Eins, Zwei, G’Suffa!” and went on from there.

    Ah, “German Lemonade”, as Major Unger used to call it.

  10. Die laufschen auch so sweschen aus-eins, zwei, Gsuffa!

    Funny how I remember all the drinking songs.

    Deutschland uber alles! 🙂