Far East Cynic

Non post……..

God, it is cold here! Weather has been good, but the cold is just biting. Even here in my room, I’m still not really warm.

Work is OK-however when tempered by the knowledge that I’m not going to keep doing this for all this year it is hard to stay focused. The crop of USAF guys I’m working with this time around are more reasonable than last time however which is nice. One guy I’m working with just found out he was selected to be a Wing Vice Commander so he was pretty happy today. He’d said yes to everything we asked for.

Watching the news has been interesting, although truth to tell-I’m tired of BOTH Hillary and Obama. The Republicans are not blowing my skirt either. Watching snippets of the debate today while working-I found it interesting that McCain was asked a question about how the Army needed to be expanded to support his multi year occupation of loserville Iraq-he totally ignored the question. Just repeated the tired old trip of how the troops want to be allowed to win. I know more than a few who just want to know when they can start going someplace else besides the sandbox.

Gotta run now to dinner. I’m in a lousy mood tonight-for no real good reason. There is always OB though to fix my bad mood.