Far East Cynic

My one and only comment on the Iowa caucuses……

What the hell is a caucus anyway?

You’re always winning-when Hillary is losing.


Its got a certain ring to it, don’t you think?

But my real question is:  who is Bill getting to “console”  him this evening on his wife’s loss…………….    Hide your interns!

UPDATE!  If you want to read a really good analysis of last nights events in Iowa-go read the Canadian Skippy!

If tonight repeats itself in New Hampshire next Tuesday – and I fully expect it to – Hillary is finished. Without New Hampshire, Clinton won’t even carry New York or the 22 other states that she’s from. I don’t care what the numbers are now, New Yorkers and Californians will never support a proven loser. If you’re interested in how that works, take a good look at Rudy Giuliani’s national numbers. Rudy, by the way, lost to Ron fucking Paul by six points tonight…….

 I loved the first President Bush will all of my heart and I still do. I think that he’s a fantastic man and I highly underrated president, who history will treat well. His son decided early on to demonstrate just how different he is from the old man. Well, he did just that, and hopefully it’ll kill the idea of a hereditary presidency for as long as the failed Adams restoration did in the 19th century.

You didn’t get 41 by voting for 43 and you won’t get Bill by voting for Hillary. Not only does she not have his experience, she doesn’t have anything close to his political skill. Furthermore, while she lies every bit as much as her husband, she doesn’t do it with the joy that he does.

Read the rest here.

  1. To answer your first question, on the GOP side a bunch of people gather around in a house, talk/yell about politics for awhile, and then go divide up into groups based on issues, then talk/yell about politics some more, and then go divide up into groups based on candidates. On the Dem side, it’s similar, with the added twist that after the first candidate division, if your candidate doesn’t have a high enough percentage (something like 10-15% of those present) you have to make a “second choice” and go stand in someone’s corner who does have the required numbers.

    This, I kid you not, is how Iowa picks their presidential delegates and how the first milestone in the U.S. Presidential race is conducted. Why we ever let the idiotic state of Iowa be the first I’ll never know.

  2. 22 other states… you slay me. So, “carpet-bagger” does not truly define the old gal? More like “carpet-bag-salesman”?