Far East Cynic

Tokyo Motor Show

Thursday afternoon, I left work early. I was a man on a mission.


Now earlier in the week I had asked the S.O. if she wanted to go with me-her old apartment used to be near the location they have this Auto Show at-she grumbled something whiny about why did I want to spend the money. I said, “Fine, suit yourself. I’m going whether you like it or not!”

Or words to that effect. The “F” word might have been in there somewhere-she’s really been driving me nuts lately. I needed some “me” time anyway.

The Tokyo Auto Show, by the way, is neither in Tokyo nor is it just an auto show. Its in Kehin Makahari which is in Chiba and it has all kinds of things to show.

Now in fairness, I do have to tell you that I am not that big a car buff. I like a good car as much as the next man. However, that’s not the real reason I go to Auto shows.

There’s actually something that goes with the cars that I want to see:

Keeps my motor running!

Makhari Messe where the show is held is huge:

So much to see!

There were cars:

Not exactly a sportster!

And trucks:

Not so sure how these would sell in Texas!

Some came with useful accessories:

Goes well with the car!

And sound systems:

An entire car built around an IPOD?

And TV’s, I-phones and drink holders:

Where is the cappacino machine?

There were motorcycles:

For the Harley Man!

And finding a place to park was hard:

Yea, officer I had a couple of beers!

Mostly I just walked around looking at these:

Safety First!

Got some autographs:


Got directions:

The exit is that way! Please hurry!

Made some people nervous:

What do you want? Quit staring at me!

While others I saw were electrifying!

And some just took my breath away!

I’ll dream about this woman!

And……..I’m spent. Auto shows are tough work!

  1. Tough work, yes, but when the going gets tough…the tough go to the Auto Show!
    Thank you for the photographs; especially the Harley.

    Funny, but one would have thought that the S.O.’s birthday gift would have helped to smooth things out a bit for you………the seas appear to have been choppy for a while now, but I hope they soon are calmer.

  2. You know what? I really did not see any. Then again maybe Ford was too cheap to pay for hot looking models-so they may have been there and I just missed them. 🙂

  3. I went to the last Tokyo Motor Show and it was awesome. Since it was out in Chiba it was a bit hard to find but well worth it. I just amazed how big the show is and the eye candy was quite good.