More on the port deal..

With apologies to William Shakespere, here is Marc Antony’s take on the P&O port deal. I watched the movie version Julius Caesar the other night and this came to mind. (Brando is awesome in the movie, get it and watch it sometime): Friends, Americans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Western owned… Continue reading More on the port deal..

A different departure

Out the door in a few minutes to catch the train to Narita. Journeying down to my favorite spot on the planet, Singapore. Usually I’m excited when I travel, this morning I’m apprehensive. I don’t know why……..perhaps it just goes along with that sense of foreboding I’ve been having that 2006 is just going to… Continue reading A different departure

Musings and Figure Skating babes!

OK, OK, enough feeling sorry for myself. Time to buck up, dig in and get back to the normal buffoonry…………I recognize that there are stupid people in the world. I choose not to be one of them. Looking around the news its clear there are lots of stupid people still out there. Consider: Arabs- Can’t… Continue reading Musings and Figure Skating babes!

Under the weather……

No post yesterday for a couple of reasons. Stupefication and sheer amazement at how you can tell someone something 10 times, in 10 different ways and they go ahead and do something really stupid……… Utter astonshiment at trying to do a good thing for the people you work for have them repay you with not… Continue reading Under the weather……

The check is in the mail…….

My campaign contribution check that is. A first for me, I’ve never, ever, contributed to a political campaign before. But I jumped for joy today when I saw this: Too bad I’m not a Virginia resident…(I’m a resident of “No State Income Tax USA”). Just got back from putting my campaign contribution in the mail.… Continue reading The check is in the mail…….

Categorized as Politics

Seeing the light………

Lex , as he so often does, has very adeptly opened up a can of worms by pointing his readers to an article from the New York Times Sunday Magazine by (former) neo-con Francis Fukuyama ( whose name means lucky mountain in Japanese…) has finally seen the light. In a long, but well worth the… Continue reading Seeing the light………

Categorized as Iraq
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