Far East Cynic

There’s no place like home! Especially with beer and babe(s)……..

Got back to Japan tonight. Thank goodness! It was only a 3 day trip, but for some reason this time I was really happy to get a hug and a kiss from the S.O. Suspect that it was the first time today I was actually warm. It was freezing over in Korea! Plus she looked and smelled nice. Add to that, unlike some folks, she actually likes me! Goes to show her overwhelming good taste in men……….

3 glasses of wine after dinner and now I am finally feeling warm again. I’ve been in a funk all week. For a whole bunch of reasons. Some related to work, some related to the world in general. More on that tomorrow.

Thanks to the misadventures of my luggage ( it finally showed up last night!!!!) , I got screwed out a planned side trip to Hong Kong and an expected foray into Wanchai and Lan Kwai Fong. Thank goodness I had changeable tickets! I ‘ll have to put that off till March it looks like…….well at least this way I will get to watch the Steelers kick the s**t out of the Seahawks……… On the original time table I would have been on a plane back to Narita during the game. Trouble is watching the game over here does not allow the opportunity for mass consumption of these(Its on at 8 am in the morning):

Till Monday I just want to stay warm and under the blankets with one of these:

I think it will be too cold to golf. The cold wave will follow me from Korea……….

Bet I could have been warm in Kolwoon though!
