Far East Cynic

Avoiding the Christmas rush……..

I’m going to start hating the new Supreme Court nominee now.

Sitting here in the lounge in Dulles on the way back to Shopping Mall. I’ve been watching her on TV. There is something in the way she talks-something of a pompousness in the gait of her speech, that has set off my alarm bells.

Not to mention, that I really don’t like the logic that deliberately limits the gene pool by saying the new justice has to be a woman and Hispanic. That’s more diversity nonsense that just does not pass the logic test.

I think the confirmation hearings ought to prove interesting to say the least. But, I’ve got a feeling abou this pick and its just not good. Same feeling I had when I first heard Sarah Palin talk. I was right then-and I think I am right now.

Captain Renault: Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual suspects.

  1. She’s in unless she forgot to pay her taxes. Oh I forgot, that’s a resume enhancement for a lib.

    The J committee must get one minority(Repub) member to vote her to the floor. Where’s Spector now?

  2. I was amused when I watched MSNBC covering this event. EVERY Liberal went thru her bona fides time and again.
    Of couse, unless she proves to be satanist that doens’t pay her taxes, she will be confirmed But I too rail against this obsessiveness about being PC.
    As Tancredo said yesterday and Bill Press got VERY angry, that if we substuited the word “wise white man” instead of wise latina, one could only imagine the uproar.
    We ALL should want the best qualified person for ANY job.

  3. Identify any one person in the country who is more qualified than Judge Sotomayor. She’s been a trial and appellate judge in the federal courts for 17 years. She’s a former prosecutor. She went to a good law school. She’s done her time and deserves the pick. Even Ed Rollins at CNN says she deserves the seat.

    She’s significantly more qualified than Clarence Thomas who only writes an opinion if it is an easy case or involves the EEOC (where he got first class training on sexual harassment).

    She’s as smart as Roberts and has more years as a judge than he has.

    With all due respect, folks, she got picked because the President liked her and because she’s qualified. To say there is any other reason is sour grapes and ignores her CLEAR ability to do the job.



  4. Just as I start to have an opinion about you skippy, you end up saying something which totally befuddles me. Well, at least on this subject I am in total agreement with you.