Far East Cynic

How was my weekend?

Mostly, it was spent in wistful remembrance of what it was like to be one of these guys….

(Select full screen mode-it looks better that way!)

God, they look so young! I don’t recall looking that young-sexy and mature was more my style :-(.

Next few days will be some picture posts from our trip. I wish I could take credit for this video, but it was done by a very talented member of the Class of 97. For more videos from the Fortress of Learning-go here.

By the way, this song was quite appropriate in my day-before every one  became such a candy ass about drinking. Saturday night of a big weekend like Corps Day entailed a Senior Party-where your ticket money paid for the hall and the band-and you brought all your own booze. It was a great chance to watch your date from this event the night before:


get wild and crazy on the dance floor ( and if you were lucky later on at a select motel in the greater Charleston area!) ( Photo taken at the 2009 Corps Day Hop by another wearer of the ring).

  1. Haven’t been back for Corps Day since I graduated … one of these years I’ll make it back ….

    How do the new barracks look, Skip? Last time I was there, Padgett-Thomas was sstill getting torn down.

  2. They look good-but I noticed some really weird changes. I was in 2nd battalion- so PT is of interest to me.

    The stair wells are backward-which makes no sense if you are trying to replicate the old barracks.

    They have non skid on the gallery-no shit! My roommate who was also visiting this weekend asked the question-how the hell do the knobs know where they are supposed to walk?

    There are TAC rooms in the barracks. What’s up with that?

    And evidently-having an alcove room is not such a good deal anymore-I was shocked to see knobs in Alcove rooms. Back in my day-those were choice real estate. ( As well as a good place to stash booze!).

  3. Nonskid? WTF? As far as where the knobs get to walk, I suspect it doesn’t really matter anymore … because they probably -are- doing just that: walking in the barracks. Do the little shits even know how to brace anymore?

    There were tac rooms in the barracks my junior year, I think. They took over the first room to the left, once you come into PT. They also had the office directly across the gate from the guardroom.

    As for the alcoves … shit. Those are supposed to be firmly the territory for seniors. Where the hell else are the BVA’s supposed to get hazed? (Though there are plenty of places to hide booze. My junior year I had a whole still set up, kept it hidden in the overhead when I wasn’t using it. Made some good high-octane rum with it …

    Stairwells backward? You mean they twist the opposite direction?

  4. OBTW: I suspect that the ‘candy ass about drinking’ thing stems in large part from the ’98 Band company party. One of our knobs went to the hospital with a BAC of .68 or something obscene like that, and it made it into the P&C the next morning. Bunch of people got kicked out, etc. I think it was ’98. Can’t remember for sure.