Far East Cynic

To hell in a handbasket……

Is where the US Army is going. At first I thought this was an April fool’s post.

Then, sadly, I realized the Army was serious about it. Dogs and cats living together-in Iraq!

What’s next-giving married couples staterooms on ships?

Thanks DACOWITS! Thanks for nothing!

  1. Heh, was just gonna drop you a line about this but then saw that you had already seen it. I really can’t think of a single good thing that is going to come out of this.

  2. Okay, admittedly I have no experience and little frame of reference on this issue, but other than a possible hit to unit cohesion, how can this really be all bad??

    At Shipwreck Tech, couples would live on the same floor sometimes for upwards of a year before someone would turn them in and get them moved out. Really, wasn’t a big issue. ‘Course we had a bit of a different mission and dynamic than those in combat. . .

  3. It is a huge issue. First-on a ship somone is always in charge of someone else. Second, as a matter of principle married couples should not be assigned to the same unit. Third-it is a fiction that this will not somehow get in the way. Even if it is nothing else but being unfair to single people by giving married personnel preferred berthing.

  4. What happens in a combat zone if one is wounded or killed? YOU LOSE BOTH.


    Like I said elsewhere, with every passing day, I lose more respect for the Army…