Far East Cynic

Tea Party time in Canberra?

Could be-for Expat at Large.

He knows better than to have one in Singapore-call the President there a socialist and you get to have a room without a view at Changi Prison.

Besides, its all the damn Prime Minister’s fault:

E@L’s days as a beer-slurping, overly-lush-golf-course playing, high-cash-flow, tax-dodging, Philippino-village-supporting, neo-colonial sex-tourist days might be drawing to a dramatic and abrupt close…

Hasty and superficial reading of some missives from a bunch of genuine hard-line, right-winger, tax-dodging, wine-swilling good buddies of his are a bit scary.

Those bastard, commie, lefto, pinko, moralistic, anti-fair-go-ripping-off-the-3rd-world socialists in the Australian Socialissimo (Che/Mao) Rudd Government are allegedly ramping things up to make us Expats (sending shitloads of cash home, supporting the economy) pay our Australian tax equivalence for monies earned overseas, even though we live our life entirely overseas…

Just like those poor Yankee bastards have to do, even to the point of their school fee reimbursements and their meager housing allowances for those villas on Napier Rd.

Like there is something wrong with being a neo colonial sex tourist.  Heck, I dream of that just about every night as I cry myself to sleep here in Shopping Mall.

Behind the humor there is a serious issue. Even before Obama became President, his predecessor allowed into law a change to the tax code which caused American expats to have to consider their housing and other allowances as income. Had I taken a job in Korea as I was close to doing ( and may still yet do), it would have jacked my taxes.

Since I get a retirement pay from the government they would be sure to catch me if I tried to skip.

Did you know the IRS has an office in Tokyo?

  1. Thankfully for E@L they don’t lock you up for calling the Aussie PM a pinko-commie, in fact I read somewhere that they actually give out medals in Australia for those who distrust the politicians…but more to the point, I too was a little worried about the new tax laws being proposed from the Rudd Govt. but a quick chat to my friendly Int’l Tax Accountant and all is secure, E@L and I are not about to be sacrificed on the pyre of taxation and are still free to indulge in all the shenanigans that our expat salary allows.

    You in Korea, would give us a good excuse to visit and indulge in a little Itaewon rampage 🙂