Saying it better than I ever could….
I came across this article on the USNI website today. It was so good I had to re-post it here for you folks to read. As you do-ask yourself two questions: 1) Is he wrong? and 2) Will a USNI with a new mission statement allow such an article to
Continue readingWorth repeating….
Because it amplifies why Admiral Harvey is WRONG. This is a generation of leadership that does not tolerate dissent and expresses consent through silence. Read into the absence of any Flag Officer speaking on this issue however you wish, but I believe the above applies. Even when it comes to
Continue readingThe money is out there……
And Allen West and his retarded Tea Party “friends” know it. Which explains why they have manufactured a budget crisis that need not exist: And that doesn’t even begin to account for the savings we could have by leaving Afghanistan and Iraq, immediately.
Continue readingA mystery to solve.
Where was Waldo? This picture was taken during a trip to restore sanity-and that is all I have to say about that. Where was this taken?
Continue readingAn un-enterprising mindset….
This post is not so lovingly dedicated to Phib’s commenter Anathema, who was the central figure in the comment fest over at his place. The veracity with which he defends the flawed decision making of our gutless Naval Leadership-compels me to write this post. Please forward to him if you
Continue readingI can’t believe I forgot it……..
My blog birthday that is. My blog was six years old a month ago on February 7th. And I forgot to write about it-that truly must be a sign of my blog passing into the middle age. Sometimes I wonder why I stay at it. My initial blogging fanatsy (
Continue readingAll down hill from here
More and more men are showing up for body pump class. I do not consider it a positive development. After class, when Angie the dominatrix instructor was done showing us how fit she is, and how unfit I am- I went in to the locker room, changed into my swim
Continue readingWhy them?
Why not attack teachers? It is a lot easier than putting the blame on the parents-who refuse to take an equal responsibility for what’s wrong with American society. Which is why the quote from John Cole’s place rings very true: The New York Times is having a hard time figuring out why
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Hey! It’s March….and we all know what that means……. Yes, its that oh so special time of the year when we get to celebrate the history that women want us to know about while whitewashing the details they would rather just not see printed in the paper. So, as is
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