I have nothing really to write today. Today is Good Friday-the centerpiece of the Christian calendar and the event that made Easter occur. I could write something glowing and reprint an excerpt from the Bible or perhaps from the sermon One Solitary Life. ( Which is, by the way a
Continue readingUnderstanding Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen was in Washington DC two nights ago, I read about the performance of his so called “Torpedo of Truth” tour-and I felt sorry for the man. Lots of people are expressing the same emotion, but mine is based on a far different reason than most of those shaking
Continue readingWho said on line courses are easy?
These bastards are serious. The work load has really ramped up. So my blogging level is going down. Six Sigma blows! There was a reason I hated statistics in college (even though I was a math major). Back to the grind.
Continue readingIf you’ve lost McMegan…
Then you know a movie really sucks. Megan McCardle-the dumbest economics writer BAR NONE-hates Atlas Shurgged: I wish I could report that the movie holds out the same kind of promise that the first Lord of the Rings movie did. Unfortunately, it’s . . . how do I say this
Continue readingSpring Day!
Today is a beautiful spring day. Time to play some golf! This will be the first time I have played golf since last October. Big scores on the horizon I fear. For those of you doing your taxes still-here are some tax tips from those who pay no taxes:
Continue readingThe truth about Ayn Rand………
“[Rand] had a habit of exaggerating her own suffering, and she often forgot to credit those whose ideas she borrowed and who helped her in more material ways. She humiliated her husband. She could be narcissistic, shrill, demanding, untidy, even unclean, and her use of amphetamines exacerbated her angry outbursts,
Continue readingThe Guv wins again!
Shintaro Ishihara, Tokyo’s flippant governor-easily won re-election last week. Ishihara ran as an independent but was effectively supported by the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito. The Democratic Party of Japan did not field a candidate due to recent poor public approval ratings for Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who is
Continue readingOld School
Or why I am a dinosaur when it comes to on line courses. I am in the throes of taking a 16+ week class from one of America’s major universities. They have an on line program for the subject matter I am taking that is pretty comprehensive-involving on line classes
Continue readingTax Time
I just finished my taxes-after having to take a time out to do some research on one particular set of deductions and non-deductions. I even ended up calling the IRS-where a very helpful lady helped me run the numbers to make sure I had it right. Guess we need to
Continue readingWhat should have been…..and never was.
Our future in space, stunted in its youth-because Americans, as a whole are pretty stupid. We went to the moon, in an aggressive fashion, and then pretty much stopped. When I think about all the money that has been wasted on all the wars between 1972 and now-we could have
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