I realize with Arnold banging his housekeeper, its hard to focus on anything else ( don’t people use condoms anymore?). But one United States Senator has his eye on the ball: U.S. Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), and Jim Webb (D-Va.) have issued a statement declaring that the
Continue readingSpeaking of timely and accurate data……
While looking around for the previous post-look what I stumbled onto on the US Navy’s web site. What’s wrong with this picture? The Carrier Air Wing The typical air wing aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier usually contains four FA-18 squadrons, one S-3 squadron, one EA-6B squadron, one E-2C squadron,
Continue readingBecause some fights are worth picking-Unbalanced Part II
Some things take longer than a comment block to explain. Accordingly-since this is my blog and I will write what I want to- I have decided to address commenter Michael Junge’s comments in a more lengthy fashion. After all, not everything in the world can be reduced to a Power Point
Continue readingUnbalanced
I have a theory about organizations and signs of their decay. It is not based on anything scientific-just having led and been lead by people for approximately 32 years. My theory has been reinforced by my current experience working for a customer that is an organization that is : 1)
Continue readingWhat I really need…….
This week sucked with a capital “S”. Part of it was work related-but a big part is because there is something I really need: And I do mean really. The S.O. and her knee pain are driving me up the wall. Kabish? Thank God for beer!
Continue readingThe next time someone says…..
“It is the spending, stupid”-beat them over the head with this chart. Most of the GOP and most of Phib’s commenting class, want to ignore this fundamental truth: The very large, but permanent and worsening, budgetary impact of the “Bush tax cuts” — which when first proposed back in the
Continue readingLord Vader makes an announcement.
The Dark Lord has an important announcement in the ongoing Global War on Terror Galactic effort to rid the galaxy of rebel scum. CORUSCANT — Obi-Wan Kenobi, the mastermind of some of the most devastating attacks on the Galactic Empire and the most hunted man in the galaxy, was killed
Continue readingChockablocked.
Yes-I am. More tomorrow, I hope.
Continue readingHappy Mothers Day!
Worth reading…..
My Canadian Counterpart makes a lot more sense about Pakistan and Afghanistan than our beloved King David[Petreaus] does. He’s got two posts up that should be mandatory reading for any one of the current crop of idiots in Congress. And should be read twice to learning impaired assholes like Allen
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