“Six years of college down the drain.” Today, the carefully ordered world of yours truly ( and that of my section of my company) was blown apart. In a situation familiar to many Americans-I am now facing an uncertain future-vis a vis continued employment here in Shopping Mall USA. That
Continue readingWhere HAVE all the fun people gone?
A friend sent me the following in an e-mail. I am so lucky to have been able to see the “Old Navy”-sadly, future generations will never get to know the fun we had: Where Have All The Fighter Pilots Gone? We used to go to the Officers Club or NCO
Continue readingHistory as allegory
A commenter at Sullivan’s blog has it nailed down: I think it helps to understand that, for right-wing populists, this thing we call “history” is less about real people who did real things in the real world, and more like just the Bible Part II. It’s a myth that can
Continue readingHe’s probably right
Joshua Green makes the case why Weiner should resign. I have no idea what will become of Anthony Weiner now that he has tearfully confessed, at great length and in uncomfortable detail, to tweeting photos of his naked torso and various other clothed and unclothed body parts to at least
Continue readingThere will be no vindication for you……
Andrew Breitbart is still a fucking sleazebag.
Continue readingThere are lots of dedicated public servants like him.
Lawrence Eagleburger passed away this weekend. He is one of the few professional Foreign Service officers to rise to become Secretary of State. One of the things that gets lost in the whole stupid debate about the debt ceiling and the federal budget is that there a lot of folks
Continue readingCatching up with the times.
You can now follow Skippy-san on Facebook! Some ass-wipe stole my nom-de- guerre on Twitter, so when you get those crotch shots, they are not from me! Come help me fill up my wall!
Continue readingChicken Hawk
Another good sea story-repeated from another post I made at another blog-a long time ago and in better times: A long time ago and in a galaxy far away…………… The term did not have the same perjorative meaning that it has now. This post is not about a neocon. Its
Continue readingOdds and ends-TGIF!
Today was an interesting day. Not interesting in a good way, interesting in a reaffirmation of bad choices, kind of way. And, as an extra added bonus, I get to spend the rest of the month wondering who my employer will be come July. Or if I will even be
Continue readingNo man can serve two masters.
Thanks to Maurice for the title of this post. This is a Navy Focused post. It would seem our boy Harvey is at it again-by usurping the chain of command: UNCLASSIFIED// FM COMUSFLTFORCOM NORFOLK VA//N00// TO ALFLTFORCOM ALPACFLT INFO RHMFIUU/CNO WASHINGTON DC//N00/N1/DNS// RHOVZCH/COMPACFLT PEARL HARBOR HI//N00/N01/N1// RUCBCLF/COMUSFLTFORCOM NORFOLK VA//N1// RHMFIUU/COMNAVPERSCOM
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