Thanks to the credit rating down grade from S&P. ( And who made these assholes the king of the world anyway?). Might as well have some fun with it:
Continue readingThe final letdown……..
One of the biggest PR mistakes the Navy ever made was to take part in the filming of the Final Countdown in 1980. I streamed the movie tonight on Netflix-I was really suprised they had it available for streaming. For those who are not so long in the tooth-The Final
Continue readingThey just opened a gym in our new building.
Don’t laugh-there is more truth here than you realize.
Continue readingPolitical foolery on the other side of the globe…
Spike has been running some great commentary on the effort by Hong Kong domestic helpers to win the right of abode in the Fragrant Harbor. Its a fascinating story-full of the kind of cheap slander all us gweilos used to be accused of ( and still are in certain corners):
Continue readingAnother bad deal from our Galtian overlords
While most of Congress was bending over backwards to suck Grover Norquists kneecaps, you probably missed this little tidbit from our legislative betters on Capitol Hill: Every right-thinking person abhors child pornography. To combat it, legislators have brought through committee a poorly conceived, over-broad Congressional bill, The Protecting Children from
Continue readingSmurfy goodness
The S.O. and I went to see the Smurf’s movie today. It was actually better than I expected. It is a pretty well done movie and not just for kids. ( Its PG after all). And after over 30 years-I finally learned how Smurfette came to be the only girl
Continue readingWhat he said…….
Want to get rich? Play poker with Obama-you will make a fortune! This so called deal will kill any hope of a recovery. Enjoy life in a totally self created depression, teabaggers. I wish you the joy of Grover Norquist while it lasts. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman said
Continue readingWhat would Jesus do?
Thomas Bushlack explores a lost idea in American governance-that of doing what is best for the common good. He argues, quite persuasively that despite their assertions to the contrary-the current Tea Party position is anything but “Christian” in its basis: What would bringing the language of the common good back
Continue readingIn case you missed it.
The other day, Jon Stewart had a fascinating interview with Juan Williams. While I think Stewart was too dismissive of the corrosive effects of associating yourself with an organization that is as polarizing as Fox News- he is right on the mark about the sad state of the blogosphere these
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