At the agency I work for ( well, at least for the next month or so)-they were ranked in the bottom in terms of being a “good place to work”. Havng watched their new contracting strategy-I tend to agree whole heartedly. And unforuntately real change to this agency will not
Continue readingHow I spend my days now.
The job hunt continues:
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Finally, people are waking up to the fact that its time to tell the short sellers to go home: A European market regulator announced Thursday night that short-selling of financial stocks in several countries would be temporarily banned in an effort to stop the tailspin in the markets. The move
Continue readingIt probably beats investing these days……
Another place to put your money: Earlier today, a plane flew over S&P headquarters trailing a banner that read: Thanks for the downgrade, you should all be fired. Fortune has learned that the person who paid to fly the banner is a Midwestern broker, who woke up last night with
Continue readingThe 7% solution
In two weeks-my savings and investments have lost almost 6% of their value. Money that it took me years to cobble together-gone. At least for now. But it could have been a lot worse-A LOT WORSE. Fortunately, I got some good advice and have invested in some pretty strong stocks-so
Continue readingI sure wish I could remember this.
It would save me a heck of a lot of pain and suffering. ( Stolen from Spike).
Continue reading“Fix the link”
I used to say that to a friend of mine on the staff-whenever I went down to visit him in TFCC. Because in the Eisenhower Battle Group in 1994-1995, the link picture ( Link-11 primarily and some Link-16) was always f*cked up. The blame normally lay with a weak track
Continue readingGenbaku no hi
As is my custom on August 6-I try to honor the day that life changed forever in Japan, in an event that haunts them still today. Today is the 6th of August. It was the day in 1945 when the Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the B-29 Enola
Continue readingSome thoughts on the S&P
First and foremost-they are in no position to judge. These are the same goons who who rated subprime-backed securities as just fine and dandy. Now they think they they are qualified to pass judgement on US fiscal policy? Really? Second, as has widely been reported-they had their numbers wildly wrong.
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You know, when Roughhead became CNO-I actually looked on it as a good thing. An initially he did try to reverse some of the insanity of the previous years. But now-heading out the door-it would appear Admiral Roughhead has been binging on the Kool Aid: Asked about layoffs under the
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