Just got back from returning the rental car. The other car is still MIA somewhere in the Atlantic. It did not take this long to get things back from Japan. So I took the car into town, dropped it off and took the train back. As is my want-I did
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Today was the first day I had to scrape ice off the windshield-before driving to work. I am quite sure it won’t be the last. The consolation was that for the first time in 5 days-there was no fog in either the morning or afternoon. The fog is what is
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Concerning Admiral Clingan. The Navy is busier than snot-but good guy or bad-Admiral Clingan and the rest of the flag leadership are guilty of crossing a line that never should have been crossed in the first decade of the 21’st century. He is now in a position where he sanctions
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I am no longer an active commenter over at Lex’s place-but I still take the time to peruse his scribblings, if for no other reason than to try to grasp the thinking of the “conservative” class-and help to codify where and how their thinking has gone off the rails. I would love to
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When it comes to women-I still have a quantifable case of what can be described, and is written about, of “Yellow Fever“. However, I think its important to be broadminded-especially when you are living in Europe:
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It could be worse. Courtesy of the Jaded Major, here is a collection of really bad days. What is interesting-I actually was witness to three of these mishaps when they happened, no lie! I’ll bet a lot of you folks who were in Naval Aviation in a previous life can
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Or in German: Noch damit beschäftigt. I got some interesting and good news yesterday. Namely that I will be traveling in the near future-back and forth across the Atlantic and the Mediterranean-all in one month. Whoo Hoo! Let the frequent flyer mileage counters spin. The S.O. and I put the
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Today I had to drive across southern Stuttgart to continue the long and laborious process of getting set up here. Thanks to the miracle of my new GPS-I was able to find a pretty decent route that took me away from the “STAU” (A German word every one learns here-it
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Well, I think I might have fixed the problem induced by IE-9, but it required a good deal of research and experimentation. And who at Microsoft thought putting the tabs needed under the ALT key-is totally beyond me. This past week was filled with mundane process of getting briefing after
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This a test to see if the fix works.
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