Courtesy of Fucked Gaijin comes this little tidbit of yet another less than flattering portrait of foreigners in Japan: The myth that Japan is a homogenous society lost its veracity long ago. With the growth of globalization, the sight of foreigners living and working in Japan is certainly no
Continue readingMeanwhile back in the Year One……
When you belonged to no one. You didn't stand a chance, son. Jethro Tull is poised to release a Sequel to their 1972 album-and motto of GOP politics these days-Thick as a Brick. TAAB2 – Whatever HappenedTo Gerald Bostock? – is a full length Progressive Rock "concept" album worthy of
Continue readingAs Mr Lehman was saying……
And NO-we are not going down that rathole again. However, the former SECNAV did point out that while the Navy's material problems can be overcome-destroying a hard won culture, has a more lasting impact: CDR Jonathan Jackson was relieved of command in December for violating the Navy’s sexual harassment policies and for
Continue readingThe damn rat saw his shadow!
Phil: You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life. Morning temperature in Stuttgart tomorrow? 16 degrees F. How the hell
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Still have not got my car fixed-the body shop is waiting for all the parts to come in. SInce they are billing my insurance company directly and thus reducing any out of pocket expense by me-I really can't complain. Except for the fact its supposed to hover around 10 degrees
Continue readingDog whistles, rational thought, and Fox News.
Also known as why Juan Williams may be in fear for his job again. I have a special place for him-NPR was wrong to fire him and I wouldn't be surprised if Fox now did the same. At least he is not allowing himself to be intimidated: The language of
Continue readingA couple of reminders.
Some problems never go away-they just resurface with different troublemakers. There is an e-mail link on this blog for a reason. If you can't find it-hit compatibility view-and I am sure you will. Some conversations are better held off line-or better yet, not at all. Like Ronald Reagan said-I am
Continue readingOne’s a lot cheaper…..
And it still entertains a lot of people:
Continue readingRemembering Col Dick.
This weekend, sad news came to the Citadel Family.
Continue readingWhat would Gloria have done?
We won't really know since Gloria Arroyo is under arrest. Could not have happened to a nicer lady. However it would seem her successors, are not making the Chinese happy: BEIJING: China on Sunday called for greater efforts towards "peace and stability" in the region, after the Philippines offered to allow
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