That's the win, loss, tie record of the US in its wars. More if you count the Indian Wars and the other smaller skirmishes over the two centuries of the country's existence. Stephen Walt has a great article up point out again-how the US will ultimately end up the loser
Continue readingI’m still here.
You greasy bastards. In the middle of a long business trip, on a mission and a professional sojurn in the Holy Land. I've been from north to south-and since I would rather spend what little time I have watching girls and drinking beer, something has to give. Sorry. Israel is
Continue readingSame stuff, different day.
Paul Ryan is an evil man. That's right-evil-because he does not care about the plight of a long standing large group of Americans. But he wants to make the rich, richer. Douchebag. Paul Ryan proposes to solve the United States financial problems by putting the burden on the backs of
Continue readingDear US Air Force
You block my site because it's "pornography". Clearly you have never seen real pornography.
Continue readingHappy Saint Patrick’s day!
However, since I am starting a long road trip-I am at home tonight. But tomorrow is another story. And at the end of the evening-of course you need someone to drive home….er, drive you home. Half Japanese, half Irish!
Continue readingA red herring
There is a post up over at the USNI blog that really kind of made me angry. It's a good post, well written-but it's based on a flawed premise. Here I will set out to explain why. Ever since the Navy came out with its completely assinine policy about breathalyzers
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The next time you hear some douchebag a GOP Presidential candidate use that term, it might be wise to remember who invented it. And he did not mean it in a good way: Rick Santorum and the rest of GOP presidential gang all have a man-crush. Considering he was
Continue readingLie back-and think of England…….
You Godless harlots. John Cole has hit on the latest example of just how stupid a certain segment of America really is: Here is the Republican Governor of PA sharing some advice with women who will be forced to have an unnecessary ultrasound before having an abortion: Gov. Tom Corbett
Continue readingOne year ago yesterday
Tragedy came to Japan. The S.O. and I watched the "Arigatou concert" on NHK. This is not a good video-but I could not find a better one to embed. If you get NHK World on your TV and this comes on-watch it. I submit you will not come away dry
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There is a kind of irony in having this particular week end with my birthday. Nothing slams home one's own mortality like learning three people you knew are passed on-and then waking up to realize that you are 55 years old. Irony may not be dead, but a good number
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