Well, it’s March and that means, its that oh so special time of the year when we get to celebrate the history that women want us to know about, while white washing the details they would rather just not see printed in the paper. But I ‘ll get to that later on
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Those crafty bastards on the mainland may be on to something: SHANGHAI: Chinese couples are flocking to divorce to evade a new tax on home sales after the government cracked down on property speculation, the Shanghai Daily newspaper reported Wednesday. China's central government last Friday issued rules to rein in
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Mitt Romney seems to be having trouble adjusting to life as a worthless piece of shit an also-ran. First, here’s Willard, reminding us again that he only lost because he wouldn’t give the Poors all the nice things, like the things he gave all of us here in Massachusetts, when
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Even when its bad-its still pretty good. No matter where you get it. Well, another day less till I am paid less for working the same amount of time. I’m just f*cking thrilled about it. I am even more (un) thrilled about the stupid reactions of people who ought to
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I have been reading the reactions to the sequester-and I am truly coming to the firm conviction that the United States of America has gone insane. Not only did Congress not avoid this abomination-but they didn't even stick around and try to work it out even after the deadline has
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The douchebags elected representatives in Congress have once again failed miserably at their jobs.. You will notice the Countdown clock to your left, counting down the days till my furlough and or layoff-whichever comes first. One of my favorite writers, Charles Pierce has summed up the situation quite well: Whatever
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Tomorrow night I plan on getting really loaded after I go to Hebrew class. I should have been on a plane to Tel Aviv tomorrow-there to look at nice Israeli women with big knockers and drink Goldstar beer, but thanks to the lunacy known as the sequester-and the impending layoff I
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I must admit, I am taking enormous pleasure at the conservative freak out over both Seth McFarland's hosting of the Oscars-and the appearance of Michelle Obama therein. It is indeed laughable-because it shows what prudish jerks, a certain segment of American society is. For starters-Family Guy is great. Its funny,
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No further comment needed. Truly, a great American. For the other 14 bad ass people you have never met-check here.
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The other day, a Facebook "friend" ( friend being a rather incorrect term-better defined as "someone I used to know and work with and have little, if anything, in common with now -save for the fact we both served in the US Navy") "Sequestration and its impacts are the choice
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