I spent the last two weeks in Israel pretty much covering the country from Beersheba to the Sea of Galilee. So there was little time to post. It was a good trip-and I will have to post my pictures soon. I also, in my spare moments was attacking two different
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The S.O. and I have been following the US Open this weekend very closely. Thanks to the time difference and the fact that I have not been back to work yet following my return from Israel-we get to watch all the rounds. ( Well she did, I only got to
Continue readingSome common sense about the NSA and IRS issues.
Fun is fun-but I am done. Two weeks is a bit too long, and I definitely ready to go home. I did want to take the opportunity to comment on the outrage being displayed in the Fox News set about the Tea Party getting extra scrutiny by the IRS. And
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Still in my business trip-and have been busy. Did get a chance though to get up to the Sea of Galilee. Posted below are some pix:
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Last week in Amsterdam-this week back in the lounge in Instanbul chowing down on free food and beer while awaiting further transfer to yet another place. Ask me again why I don't miss Alabama? This passage appears to have no big Turkish war epics on tap. Maybe its because the
Continue readingAnd they say it like its a bad thing………….
Duffleblog has a nice little post up on the graduation speech that the Academy graduates should have heard: ANNAPOLIS, MD — From a podium in the United States Naval Academy’s storied Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, President Barack Obama offered hearty congratulations and a bit of advice to an exultant field
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I've been on the go this weekend-so I have not spent very much time in front of the computer. I have been taking advantage of the time off offered by the holiday to see and enjoy Amsterdam. Nonetheless- a short posting about the reason for the holiday is in order.
Continue readingThe days are just packed.
Greetings from not so sunny Amsterdam. Actually its a very cold Amsterdam with the temps hovering around 50 and the wind 18 knots. And before you ask, I am not camped out in the Red Light District. In fact, judging from our lone foray last night-unless overweight African women are
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Whether you want to or not. Definitely. And if you think that's not right-whatever you do, don't try committing Google Seppicu! Ok-let us know. How many of you Googled "pocket bears"?
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One particular item I have neglected to comment on in the last couple of months, primarily because I have been rather busy, and also America has been involved recently in Benghazi! Benghazi! BENGHAZI! ( one of the series of non scandals that is warming the hearts of the moron class
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