I have been busy this week-and it is August 15 2013. Here is a review of Japan Longest Day. In Japan, August 15 is known as Shusen kinenbi (literally, end of the war memorial day.) This year is the 64th anniversary of the end of taiheiyou dai sensou.The Pacific War).
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The other day, I was involved in a discussion about income inequality. Now the term "income inequality" is indeed something of a misnomer, in that many people interpret it as meaning that one who believes it is a problem, is advocating a standard income for all. Which is the furthest
Continue readingElection season is here!
It's August and Germany is having parliamentary elections this year. The election to the 18th German Bundestag will be held on 22 September 2013. As a result the campaign posters started cropping up on the lamp posts this past week. Angela Merkel, so called "Queen of Europe" is up for
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In the July Naval Institute Proceedings, there was an article by RDML Martha Herb and RDML Tony Kurta about the "epidemic" of sexual harassment sweeping the Navy. It's an interesting read-if only for the fact that it well highlights how the services themselves have been co-opted by the feminists and
Continue readingAnd we’re back.
Ireland was really great. I really enjoyed it and have made up my mind that I need to go back. With the exception of the fact that the Union Jack was not in its rightful place flying over the buildings of Dublin-its a great place to visit. As an aside-I
Continue readingContrary to popular belief
This is where I spent all my time in port. And Singapore. or Bangkok, or Manila. 🙂 When I saw this I just had to get a picture of it.
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"Skippy, Paul Ryan has us on double secret sequester probation, whatever that is." " I know that". " And you are already taking a 20 % pay cut-that you didn't deserve and can't afford." "I know that too". " And furthermore-you've got a stack of credit card bills that would
Continue readingThe reality of the situation is disturbing at times.
There are times, only a few, that I think that the election of Barak Obama-while quite necessary from the stand point of stopping some of the lunacy of the Bush years-may have been a bad thing in the long term. Perhaps it would have been better to plunge on into
Continue readingSomething everyone can agree on.
Namely, the underlying purpose of the internet. I did this in an anime a few years back-but I thought this was pretty funny.
Continue readingAnd now for a bit of good news.
I have said repeatedly, that the reason our Galtian overlords get away with the types of lies and slander they write daily-is because our libel laws have become so weak. So its nice to see someone with the gumption to take one of the worst offenders in the Liars Club
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