I have one foot in the graveyard and the other on the bus, And the passengers do trample each other in the rush. And the chicken hearted lawman is throwing up his fill To see the kindly doctor to pass the super pill. Well, I’m going down, three cheers for
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A couple of weeks back the S.O. and I drove to the Black Forest and vistied Germany's highest waterfall in Triberg. Its a beautiful-if somewhat too touristy place. There are a variety of hiking trails that take you up the side of the falls-short and long. Problem is, on a
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Contrary to popular belief in America, there is something more important in the world than whether Ben Affleck will play Batman or Miley Cyrus' performance at the video awards. This 2+ hour video from C-span is worth your time. Yesterday was a bad day for David Cameron-but it was a great
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It seems the Navy is on a roll correcting Uncle Vern's mistakes. This really pleases me. In 2003, The f*cking P-3 mafia-after 4 long years of lies and deception, took over not just their own staff-but that of our own hardworking wing staff of aviators and logisticians. I'll spare you the
Continue readingNo upside-only down sides.
To attacking Syria. All the usual suspects are lining up telling us how we have to "do something" in Syria. I really don't understand why. Apparently a lot of other Americans don't understand why either, judging by polls that say a majority of Americans are opposed to any intervention in
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A lot of Alumni from my alma mater are going all out to convince other graduates of a certain distinguished military college-that one should support the primary efforts of Nancy Mace to unseat Senator Lindsey Graham in 2014. Now I am not a South Carolina resident, so in theory I
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I came across this article the other day about the slide into jargon that the military and so many Amercian businesses have gotten into. I think Mr. Marr has a point. In the article below-he mentions the worst offenders. Several drinking games come to mind seeing this list. By Bernard
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A non-event if there ever was one. It is also National Dog Day. The irony is awesome……….
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The Navy appears to finally have come to its senses and dropped the flying warrant officer program. Couldn't come a day too soon. The idea was a mistake from the start. The Navy has permanently grounded its 6-year-old Flying Warrant Officer Program, saying that though successful at turning enlisted sailors
Continue readingAnd the election kicks into full swing.
I am seeing more and more posters on the roads these days-from more than just the usual suspects: Of course our friends, the Pirate Party are still out in force: It translates to: "Imagine you were asked. For more participation and particulars of the citizens in political decisions" And the
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