I subscribe to Charles Pierce's first law of Blog Economics , namely: "Fk The Deficit. People got no jobs. People got no money." Pierce rightly notes that with the suicidal plunge of the teabag wing of the Republican party over the ACA, " the deficit fetishists are back. Even Messrs.
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In English, election time-which was the headline of a special edition of Das Bild newspaper yesterday -which was delivered free to our house. All indicators show that Merkel is on cruise control to a third term as the Kanzlerin ( Chancellor). However because one of her coalition partners lost badly-the
Continue readingAnother good deal gone fleeting……
For those that do not know, Singapore-based Glenn Defense Marine Asia Ltd., has long had a "lock" on the business of providing husbanding services to Navy ships in Asia. It's quite a lucrative business and is also known as a good deal for retiring supply officers who might want to stay in
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When I think of yesterday's events. First of all, I hate it when someone prescribes, based on their own social conventions and biases, how exactly I am supposed to feel and react to such a horrific event. My values are not your values. So you will forgive me if I don't
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The shootings in DC are a senseless tragedy. Nonetheless, there is pretty much a predictable script of how the reactions will go. First of course, comes the shock of it all. Then the fascination with which we all will watch the news. Followed by Tweets, Facebook posts and the like.
Continue readingAnd while we are on the subject……
Of Mark Steyn-a completely useless man. Here's another point of view that highlights my steadfast belief that Mark Steyn should just go fuck himself: “Had we rolled out something that was very smooth and disciplined and linear, they would have graded it well, even if it was a disastrous policy.
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I hate Mark Steyn. He is once again proving himself to be the worthless piece of shit that he is. Over at the National Review, the resident loony bin of the crazed zealots in America, Steyn is crying because he did not get his "splendid little war". For generations, eminent New York Timeswordsmiths
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Yes, today is the anniversary of 9-11. Today will be filled with eloquent memorials, so I will not try to repeat them. All I know is I wish the day had, never, ever, happened. You don't know how I hate the fact that this date is forever fixed in the
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Wanted: Delorian with working (must be accurate within 1-2 years) flux-capacitor. Must be time travel ready. Immediately. Can a brother get a ride back to the '80s??? I'ts clear to me now-, re-reading Barbarians at the Gate and watching this movie-I missed some of the best part of the 80's.
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Another potential employer must have found his or her way over to my blog. 🙁
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